Acheron - Reaper of Death


New member

Main weapon: shoots dark beams from his staff, accumulating the {curse} status. Recharge - absorbs dark energy from the environment.

1 ability "Mental grip" - releases a mental hand that grabs the enemy's soul and tears it out, causing damage. If the enemy had the {curse} status, the soul remains for some time in the place where it was torn out, if Acheron hits it with a charged heavy attack, he will restore part of his missing HP.

2 ability "Death field" - Acheron selects an area and calls a field of bone hands that grab the enemy by the legs, slowing him down and causing damage, gradually accumulating the {curse} status.

3 ability "Reaper's Gaze" - Acheron throws off his hood and curses all enemies in front of him, instantly accumulating the {curse} status, all enemies who were already cursed lose the ability to use dodges and their shooting speed decreases.

4 ability "Bone Cage" - Acheron closes the selected enemy in a bone cage, blocking the ability to use abilities and move. Reactivating the ability pierces the enemy with bone spikes, causing great damage. (If the enemy was killed by this ability, all other abilities recharge 5 sec. faster)