Abrams: make his Siphon Life steal max hp from enemies


New member
I think that by making Siphon Life steal max hp and correcting the basic values of the first skill and its scaling from spirit, you can rework the first ability into a synergistic and fun skill for the hero, whose passive very much depends on his maximum hp. It is very profitable for Abrams to buy a lot of items on his hp, since infernal resilience literally screams that if player pass some kind of threshold In HP, Abrams can become immortal in a long fight. It's much more exciting fantasy to be immortal, or I would say undying as being big sponge that soaks damage and crushes enemy positional gameplay in process. Also enemies would have keep in mind that fights should end quick and build accordingly with bleeds and antiheal, or abrams will get totally out of control...
I think having build choices between maxing hp and maxing spirit for damage and lifesteal is much healthier for the game.
Since players themselves can choose if they want to make Siphon life deal a lot of damage because they can get away with it. Or if they need the hitpoints to function better as a tank and not as a damage dealer.

Making Siphon Life steal max hp would mean that there is no point in building anything els than the most tanky Abrams, and that can make fights last longer and get dragged out.