Ability and item projectile speed amplifier


Staff member
Thought about this item as I was running away from a Wraith ult and managed to cover half the map back to my base

A T3 spirit item that increases your abilities and spells projectile speed by 20%-35% would be really cool for a lot of heroes and would either be extremely busted or bad, very fun either way.

GT would have a faster flying bird and arrows would be faster, Vindicta crow and stake, Bebop faster hook, Viscous faster goo, Wraith faster ult that can’t be outran and faster cards, Paradox swap, Haze dagger, Dynamo 1, Mo faster burrow, Warden faster flask, Yamato faster grapple and maybe 3? Pocket would have faster barrage and cloak.
Unsure if it should affect charge from Abram’s, but definitely his ult slam speed.

Feel like it doesn’t need stats, could also have higher projectile speed amp and be a T4 with some stats maybe, as an upgrade if you want it to scale.
That does sound pretty busted haha, thing is does stuff like Pocket ult / Cold front get buffed from this? They technically have travel time. If they were to add an item like it, I feel itd have to be 6500 at least