A Monk, a.k.a Earthbender

a.k.a your typical Rumble player. A close-range support that summons objects to control the battlefield, interrupts and blinds enemies, and gives your team information about their position.

  • First ability summons a Wall in front of you. It acts like, well, a wall. You can punch it to move and topple it and how far it moves depends on the type of the punch. Light punch moves it just a little before toppling it, Heavy punch moves it much further.
Enemies caught by the moving wall will take damage and will be knocked back, enemies caught by the topple will take additional damage and become stunned. If you manage to squeeze an enemy between your wall and actual wall, it acts like you got them with the topple.
The wall will break and explode after toppling, creating dust that might be hard for enemies to see through.
  • Second ability is a passive that outlines enemies around you, even if they're invisible or behind a wall. How far is its reach... will depend on the devs but it does not work against airborne opponents. Because you're detecting your foes through the vibrations in the ground.
It does not highlight enemies for your teammates, but it will make them visible on the minimap. Just like you see them.
  • Third ability summons a stone pillar, grabs it, and slams it in front of you. Short range, kinda long cast time but high damage, creates more blinding dust and might interrupt (not stun) your opponent... Maybe stun as an upgrade.
Kinda standard but honestly... that one was I thought on the spot.
  • Their ult would make them do an uppercut, which acts like Light Punch, but it also shoots out a massive boulder into the sky. If the boulder hits someone while flying up it deals massive damage and stuns. If it reaches a peak on its flight path, or hits a ceiling, it breaks up into shower of rocks that create blinding dust and interrupts enemies.

Seems kinda undercooked for me, but I'm open for feedback.

And yes, Rumble was an inspiration for this.