
Unpopular opinion: why do you need a warning to act like a decent person. If you get so tilted that you start being a scum bag (for any reason) then I do think you should be removed from play. Even if that means permanently.
Glad your banned, hope they do not lift it.
Notice not ONCE did you acknowledge your mistakes or make any attempt at an apology.
You went on another rant calling people snowflakes. social rejects etc....
You should also now be removed from the forums...
and I will get to the play the game again, theres already ways to spoof your PC but I dont feel like puttin in the effort to do it, but one day I will be back playing and theres NOTHING u can do about it little bitch
do it then. You are definitely a well adjusted individual that will not get banned again. I believe in you :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
I lol’d when you claimed to be sorry but then immediately threatened to murder a person. You proved my point: you don’t need more video games, you need professional psychological help. Diet and exercise are things you can start doing today to begin the healing process.

You don’t know anything about me, so all those very specific things you said to try and hurt my feelings are just reflections of how you feel about yourself. I think your posts are just a cry for help. How about this, kid: if your life is really as bad as it must be for you to act the way you are, I’ll buy you $300 in BetterHelp.com credit so you can speak with a professional. That should buy you a month of therapy.

Sorry I couldn’t reply sooner, I was too busy playing the best game I’ve ever played in my life. You should try it... Oh wait.
Your thread is a great argument for treating toxic players and griefers so harshly, so thank you for creating this epic thread.
do it then. You are definitely a well adjusted individual that will not get banned again. I believe in you :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
It would be funny to see him bypass the hardware ban and make a new steam account to only realize non-premium steam accounts cannot be invited into the playtest. He probably has to beg his dad for his credit card.

Also Valve has the ability to ban alt accounts. They already did it with smurfs in Dota 2 and they're doing it with cheaters in Deadlock 1727271539951.png