3000 Melee Charge Upgrade


New member
3000 - Harpoon (Weapon Item)
- Active item.
- Something similar to harpoon from DOTA where you pull an enemy in, maybe like 5-10m, weakens their melee resistance and or slows them.
- Includes stats + passive from Melee Charge.
- Passive stats increase suggestions: Melee damage? Health, Resists?

- Offers unique counter-play opportunities to items like Rescue Beam.
- Increases the amount of active items available in the weapons category.
- Fleshes out the melee playstyle a bit more.

Alternatively: make it apply a chain to the next Hero you melee, and then you can reactivate it to pull yourself to them within a certain range.
Make it so you don`t pull the enemy in, but rather get pulled to them. Like pulling them to you is basically bebop hook with auto aim, and it is CRAZY. Other than that this is a great idea(also people really don`t understand ranges in this game, 5m is basically right in front of you, to the point that you can light melee the enemy, so 12-15m range would be ok.) To make this item more ballanced i think it needs a slow moving projectile(like slowing hex, but even slower), that needs to make contact first before you get pulled. This way the enemy has a chance to react( press ES, skills or do something and not get insta Mo&Krill ulted in the face:))
This is 5m by the way, when i think about it 20m range still might be ballanced depending on the projectile and pull speed. Like slowing hex is 25m and is only a 1250 item that also disables any tps.
Make it so you don`t pull the enemy in, but rather get pulled to them. Like pulling them to you is basically bebop hook with auto aim, and it is CRAZY. Other than that this is a great idea(also people really don`t understand ranges in this game, 5m is basically right in front of you, to the point that you can light melee the enemy, so 12-15m range would be ok.) To make this item more ballanced i think it needs a slow moving projectile(like slowing hex, but even slower), that needs to make contact first before you get pulled. This way the enemy has a chance to react( press ES, skills or do something and not get insta Mo&Krill ulted in the face:))
This is 5m by the way, when i think about it 20m range still might be ballanced depending on the projectile and pull speed. Like slowing hex is 25m and is only a 1250 item that also disables any tps.
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I feel like 20m is way too long and would be essentially like a buyable BeBop hook and way too strong. At 5m-7m a point and click or even projectile seems fairly balanced to me.
I feel like 20m is way too long and would be essentially like a buyable BeBop hook and way too strong. At 5m-7m a point and click or even projectile seems fairly balanced to me.
At 5-7m pulling the enemy to you the item doesn`t make any sense, Slowing Hex is just better 99% of the time(cheaper, prevent using abilities or items to escape you). As i said 5m IS ALREADY MELEE RANGE, and with melee charge (its component lmao) your charge hit can go from like 12m(althought it is really telegraphed bcs of the travel distance). My first sentence says that i want the item pulling YOU to the enemy and not the other way around.
At 5-7m pulling the enemy to you the item doesn`t make any sense, Slowing Hex is just better 99% of the time(cheaper, prevent using abilities or items to escape you). As i said 5m IS ALREADY MELEE RANGE, and with melee charge (its component lmao) your charge hit can go from like 12m(althought it is really telegraphed bcs of the travel distance). My first sentence says that i want the item pulling YOU to the enemy and not the other way around.
Like imagine a situation where an enemy is 5m in front of you, what would you rather have, an item to decrease the range even more(for no reason really, you are already perfectly capable of dealing melees) which the enemy can escape by using ANY escape item, OR HAVE SLOWING HEX AT POINT BLANK RANGE WHICH DOES THE JOB BETTER(Slowing hex also decreases dashes which normal slow doesn`t). Like did you even play the game? 5m is right in your face, WHY WOULD YOU NEED THE DISTANCE BE LESS?!?!?!??!
There is a reason the game does`t have cast ranges lower than 15m(average is about 20m even on CURSE!!!! which is like the ultimate counter to anything). Anything lower would need a REAALY strong effect to justify such a low range and this items effect is not THAT strong.
Phantom Strike is like 1750 more, has 25m!!!!(5 times more than what you want) cast range(which goes infinitely vertically) is like 0.1s cast time(between pressing the item and apearing on the enemies face) and has a 3s disarm with a flying counter. The only downside is that it does`t have the melee charge effect. As i said making it a slow projectile with 12-20m that pulls You to the enemy is perfectly ballanced as an item to chase somebody.