3000 cost spirit item : Chaotic Combo


This item would add a randomized condition to ability sequences to give your target spirit and melee vulnerability. It would not be purchaseable by heroes who lack 3 abilities capable of dealing spirit damage (like Dynamo , Haze or Kelvin)

Chaotic Combo - 3000 cost spirit item
+8% cooldown reduction

Passive : 20 seconds cooldown
Starts with a displayed 3 abilities combo sequence. Any enemy hero who takes spirit damage in the correct sequence within 5 seconds will suffer -30% spirit and melee resistance for 6 seconds ; the passive goes on cooldown after the first enemy hero's debuff expires , then shuffles the sequence.
Continuous damage from an ability (like Geist's life drain) will not break the sequence if it initiated it.

Because this requirement is less convenient than more common ability combos (or freeform use) the player buying this will have to evaluate wether it is worth spending all spells in the randomized sequence , possibly including an ultimate , to secure a kill easier. For example , Bebop needing to uppercut , sticky bomb and then hook is far less convenient to execute than the reverse , hence the strong vulnerability debuff.
What about this

Fusion Glyph

Tier 3 Spirit Item

+8% Cooldown Reduction
+8% Ability Duration
+10 Spirit Power


20s Cooldown

Enemies take 15% Amplified Damage from your Abilities for each one of your Abilities they have been under the effect of in the last 8 seconds. Stacks up to 4 times.
Well that's not in the spirit of my concept (you should make a separate thread) since players typically combine their abilities in a specific order , so there would be no cost to this besides the souls expense.