3 For 1 (1,200 soul item)


New member
My suggestion would be to make an item that once you have it, you use 3 rounds per shot. In exchange for using more ammo per shot, your bullets deal more damage.
This would mean you'd very rapidly burn through your mag and leave you reloading more often. However to a skilled player able to land their shots this would end up being a positive trade off.
Interesting idea, though it would be insanely strong for the start of any engagement when most players expect to be fully reloaded. The time to kill might go down drastically if it really lets you deal damage 3 times faster. It'd be a beast with the quick reload on ability use item too.
Interesting idea, though it would be insanely strong for the start of any engagement when most players expect to be fully reloaded. The time to kill might go down drastically if it really lets you deal damage 3 times faster. It'd be a beast with the quick reload on ability use item too.
That's true. Maybe a good way to help balance it is it only does two bullets worth of DMG at the cost of three .
In addition it could be an active so it's take up one of your 4 slots and only be up for a short period of time
Doing 2 bullets of damage would still double your DPS. This would be a must buy for every hero and turn laning phase in to a race to see who could get 3 for 1 first. Heroes with small clips and short range (like Abrams) wouldn't be able to survive laning phase at all against heroes with large clips and medium/long range (Vindicta).
something like 2 bullets for a 35/50% increased damage could be a more balanced tradeoff
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