одскажите, что делать. отправил ссылку на свой аккаунт через друга. прошел месяц, ссылка так и не пришла. а новую отправить не могу. пишет, что игрок ожидает. как мне добавить игру на свой аккаунт?
I was having some connection issues and was given a 24 hour ban. I was in the game when it ended but dcd at least 4 times. Is there something I can do to have the ban lifted?
Hi, I had a question regarding my voice chat ban because the game will use AI to ban you got certain things which I find odd however it won't tell you why you where banned. Can you help me understand why I was banned after playing 2 games and barely speaking in them?
hi i had pressed my discord link in game before but never joined the discord so i was told to speak to a mod here to send a new link , hope i get to join and thanks