Recent content by ggqf

  1. G

    Flame Dash Instant Top Speed Exploit

    Thank you for your bug report, I will be closing this thread as it's gotten off-topic. Please remember to stay on-topic with extra details regarding the bug instead of a gameplay discussion.
  2. G

    Subbing in for a player causes game to crash.

    Often recently when subbing in for a a disconnect/abandon my game will start lagging and likely crash shortly after. Typically a full on CTD, relaunching then subbing back in however does NOT cause this to happen after the first one.
  3. G

    Bebop Tower/Guardian disarm

    Similar to Kelvin, Bebop is able to disarm Guardians/Towers with a fully upgraded 2 (bomb).
  4. G

    Kelvin Tower/Guardian Disarm

    Kelvin is still able to disarm towers/bosses with his 3, disabling their ability to shoot.
  5. G

    Shifting Shroud - Ability queuing allows casting while invincible

    This appears to work on every character and channel item besides the one it was fixed for (haze)
  6. G

    Shifting Shroud - Ability queuing allows casting while invincible

    If you press them quickly enough in order (Shroud -> Ability) you are able to free cast the ability while in shifting shroud as normal.
  7. G

    Vindicta Crow not ricocheting to third target

    Currently the crow will ricochet to a single extra target, the projectile then spawns facing downwards and hits the ground below the second target.
  8. G

    Smart Targeting Staying on target after death

    Sometimes the smart target reticle will remain on target player if you die while attempting to smart cast on them. The big rectangular reticle remains on them until (you) respawn.
  9. G

    Overlapping text on Watch Matches screen

    The Live Now text is overlapping the Match ID text as of current update.
  10. G

    Character Select Confirmation - Not showing all party members.

    Often times the party member list in the top right overflows making it seem like there's only 5 members in a group. In this image we have a full 6 stack but only 5 are visible.
  11. G

    Starting zone - Able to move around after using suicide button

    You can kill yourself in the loading area and then run around and do stuff. You might potentially be able to kill other players while doing so.
  12. G

    Wraith Card Teleport into Wall

    During a live game I used Wraiths Teleport to attempt an escape from an enemy player. This resulted in my character teleporting into a wall where I was stuck until either my TP came off cooldown, or I used the Unstuck menu option. I don't believe I was able to shoot/use abilities on enemy...