Recent content by Poglet

  1. P

    Holliday lasso is not affected by Debuff remover

    Holliday's lasso currently does not take into account debuff reducer when lassoing targets and using the bounce pad. It does reduce the initial lasso duration however the extra 1.5 seconds with all added duration bonuses can become ~2.3 seconds, which cannot be reduced.
  2. P

    Magician's new ultimate cannot hit Hexed (frog'd) heroes

    Magician's new ultimate cannot hit a unit that has been hexed by his 3rd ability. Not much else to it. Video as proof
  3. P

    Bebop's Sticky Bomb does not give the correct damage allocation Nor does it show the correct damage

    The patch this morning/evening (11/7/24 for U.S) has meant that bebop gains 2% per bomb attachment on the tooltip every single time, and the damage appears to follow this 2% increase, INSTEAD of the 1.5% change today. Furthermore, the ability no longer shows the true damage of the spell as it...
  4. P

    Crashing 4-5 times per game.

    As the title suggests. Today is the first day i have begun crashing multiple times per game. its made the game completely unplayable. I have reinstalled the game as well as verified files. nothing changes.
  5. P

    Siphon Bullets does not steal the correct amount of health when the enemy dies

    Currently each siphon bullet debuff removes 55 health HOWEVER if the enemy dies, you only steal 45 health.
  6. P

    Hero Labs Heroes not visible when in sandbox

    When you are already playing as a hero, you cannot switch to any of the hero lab heroes. Switching between currently requires leaving sandbox
  7. P

    Bot Games disconnect / Crash when updates are pushed.

    As the title suggests. Happened twice this morning with both new updates. The game freezes and disconnects you before ultimately notifying you that your game is out of date.