Recent content by Mr.Mindish

  1. Mr.Mindish

    Hero kit concept: Thief

    The abilities are fun, but they don't seem to work together too well. Rock-It is raw damage, but doesn't apply any debuffs, so it's not really useful outside of spirit builds. Grapple is strong but slightly pointless since the alt-fire already has built in movement and the Thief doesn't really...
  2. Mr.Mindish

    T3 Weapon Item - Mystic Wand [+Mystic Shot component]

    You could cut the root duration in half, and it would still be good. Reducing movement to 0m/s temporarily sounds particularily painful for characters like Lash, since you could pause the momentum he gets from Grapple. I like the idea, though I don't know how fun it would be to fight against.
  3. Mr.Mindish

    Give Abrams the glowing eye on his activated book back.

    Pop this in Abram's art feedback too, that way Valve are more likely to see your message
  4. Mr.Mindish

    Dislocater: Ender Pearl mobility item

    Designed to work similarily to Ender Pearls from Minecraft. On activation, the user throws an orb that teleports them to wherever the orb lands. The idea is for Dislocater to be an early mobility tool that includes a larger risk then Majestic Leap or Warp Stone. It's harder to use to engage...
  5. Mr.Mindish

    Cool items in game files - Reaction thread

    Jesus, I already get bullied by Talon and Vindicta in lane without them doing 1.5x more damage. It's cool to get an idea on what kind of items Valve are concepting though.
  6. Mr.Mindish

    HUGE GAME CHANGES! WHAT IF??? (Dont know where to drop it , just wanna know fans opinion)

    They aren't officially in the game yet, they're just in the files
  7. Mr.Mindish

    Spirit Paladin - T3 Spirit Support

    I tried to format the thread to look nice, but I accidently made it look really rough on mobile devices. Damn.
  8. Mr.Mindish

    Spirit Paladin - T3 Spirit Support

    This concept is a bit simple, but it could work in the game. While items like Duration Extender can improve support items/abilities, there aren't really any spirit items that directly support allies, so Spirit Paladin was made to resolve that. It opens up the potential for tanks to lean...
  9. Mr.Mindish

    Silence Glyph T4 upgrade

    "Fire a projectile which silences and damages the first enemy hero it hits". Even if it pierces, the description sounds like the damage and silence only applies to one person.
  10. Mr.Mindish

    Branching Hero Ability upgrades(Potential Concepts and core Idea)

    It sounds pretty cool, but I feel like this might just become "use the meta", since a lot of the suggested abilities are either complete upgrades or downgrades to their counterparts. With enough tweaking it could work, but it's adding another layer of complexity for players to learn and the...
  11. Mr.Mindish

    Melee Damage Counter T2 Vitality

    80% melee damage returned is strong, but full immunity to melee damage is a bit much. If the issue is with characters like Calico and Bebop being able to apply melee effects through parries, then why not make the active make the user immune to melee proc effects instead of melee damage?
  12. Mr.Mindish

    Juke Spot items?

    The juke spots/hiding places/veil closets are a lot more common on the new map, so it could be interesting to add items that work with them. It could be something like a boosted health regen while inside, a teleporter to a different juke spot, or perhaps something else entirely.
  13. Mr.Mindish

    HUGE GAME CHANGES! WHAT IF??? (Dont know where to drop it , just wanna know fans opinion)

    Remember that the map with 4 lanes had a lot of tweaks before Valve had a map they were happy with. They absolutely intend to alter the three lane map until they're satisfied with how it plays. If three lanes don't work after months of editing and altering, then they've got every reason to swap...
  14. Mr.Mindish

    HUGE GAME CHANGES! WHAT IF??? (Dont know where to drop it , just wanna know fans opinion)

    Ain't no way bro (technically) predicted the future, gg man 😄
  15. Mr.Mindish

    Swift Blitz: Vitality upgrade to Swift Striker

    Yeah, the logic was to reduce the number of vitality slots after buying this item. It's a sort of built in way to prevent stacking multiple Vitality items to negate the downsides of this item. That way, you're sacrificing potential bulk/sustain to improve your current dps. The main vitality...