Recent content by Feralun

  1. Feralun

    In the "Main menu" / "In the game"

    As far as I remember, there was a thing with the new "Steam Family" that caused this. I could not confirm right now, cause noone plays. Do you have the new Steam family feature active?
  2. Feralun

    MiniMap is very big on 21:9 monitor

    Bump. but now you have no excuse to not check the minimap :P
  3. Feralun

    Dota 2 morphing styled hero

    Look I dont wanted to insult you ^^ I was just playing in my head with some ideas ^^ Anyhow, if everything is overpowered, nothing is overpowered. ;) Also Yes Invoker Hero !
  4. Feralun

    Shmuel.E.Biggs & Machiavelli - Full Concept art

    Yeah as well as the name... Mr. Biggs will now see you... the chair turns.... and there he sits, feet not even touching the ground :D
  5. Feralun

    Dota 2 morphing styled hero

    Yeah, like I said, it could be fun. Broken because I know how broken Morph is / was in different patches. I also never said, its a bad idea, I just said he would be broken. Thats just what I am thinking, and Im as probably also you are, not the best in balancing stuff :D The shifting is...
  6. Feralun

    Dota 2 morphing styled hero

    Love the idea, but I think he would be broken :D I mean, do you have a concept in mind? Shifting HP to dmg seems alright, I guess, but this game is fast, and he will die non stop :D On the otherside, theres also stamina and movement speed, which could be a cool factor, like either more...
  7. Feralun

    Party invite screen does not show Character:#kills when using Steam Families Beta

    just curious, cause I set up the family myself. Does this happen to the friends in the family, or to all friends?
  8. Feralun

    Cheaper Respawn Item(s) and Item(s) to increase how often you can zipline boost

    I disagree on the feeding part, its not made up mindset. Its actually something that happens. imagine this, you get destroyed on the lane (happens!) and you come back to the duo, again, again and again. You cant deal with them, they are 2-3K ahead. You just die there. This is feeding, not on...
  9. Feralun

    Shmuel.E.Biggs & Machiavelli - Full Concept art

    nono, I think the child theme is funny. Imagine, you get a knock on the door, you open up, and the debt collector is a literally child with a gun :D
  10. Feralun

    Missing/Incomplete Translations

    Maybe something more like: "Gesamtstatistik" But the rest checks out.
  11. Feralun

    Please make it possible to rename items personally

    There is a "note" option, as well as you could create in builds groups with the DotA Name. But in general im on the side from ZeWaka, you will get used to it, and other (non DotA players) will get confused if you are referencing it.
  12. Feralun

    Ping Abilities and Items

    100% this, or in dota the low key passive aggressive "I think someone should buy BKB!"
  13. Feralun

    Ping Abilities and Items

    Yes! Also something from dota -> ping for items recommendations e.G. "I think someone should buy $ItemName ! " So you can kinda request someone to buy an Item if it fits them, or something like metal skin, that people maybe dont think of.
  14. Feralun

    Changing team names back to english

    Hey, because the team names are entities, like the heroes, their name should not be changed, its not really gameplay related and kinda feels off if its translated. I would love to see the names changed back to: The sapphire flame The amber hand