Recent content by EvilKitty221

  1. E

    ai powered by operagx

    ai powered by operagx
  2. E

    Magician cannot swap hexed target

    124wasdfferwaod\\\\\\\\\ .fea/sdf\\\\\\\\\\dsafead;ffffffffffff
  3. E

    Wraith The Rooftop Rat

    0.0.0><? L:"/*---*/+3260 + .
  4. E

    CALICO stuck cat all the game

  5. E

    pov bug

    If you're experiencing a bug that causes your point of view (POV) to zoom unexpectedly in a game or application, here are some potential fixes based on common causes: 1. Mouse Scroll: Ensure that your mouse scroll wheel isn’t malfunctioning or being inadvertently triggered, as this can...
  6. E

    Goo Ball suspended in the air

    o fix the issue of a "Goo Ball" being suspended in the air, you can try the following troubleshooting steps depending on the context (game engine or specific mechanics you're working with): In a Game Engine (like Unity or Unreal): Check Gravity Settings: Ensure that gravity is properly...
  7. E

    Старое описание extra stamina

    После нерфа экстра стамины, который убрал у неё стат скорострельности, она всё ещё появляется при поиске по слову "скорострельность".
  8. E

    I think i broke my game a little )

    1. Sometimes the simplest fix is restarting the game. Close it completely and reopen it. If you’re playing on a console, try restarting the console itself. 2. Make sure that both the game and your system (whether it’s a PC, PlayStation, Xbox, etc.) are up-to-date. Sometimes bugs or...
  9. E

    An odd request

    thats cool
  10. E

    Jacob Lash's Biographie: Jacob Lash ist ein ganz mieses Stück

    Jacob Lash Jacob Lash ist ein charismatischer, aber auch skrupelloser Charakter, der für seine Manipulation und seine Fähigkeit, in jeder Situation die Oberhand zu gewinnen, bekannt ist. Als ehemaliger Mitglied der Initiative hat er sich schnell einen Ruf als gefährlicher Stratege und...
  11. E

    Symbol for Siphon Bullets: sideways hourglass

    Symbol for Siphon Bullets: The symbol for Siphon Bullets could be a sideways hourglass, signifying the manipulation of time and the siphoning effect. Option 1: A bullet aimed over a chokepoint, with a dot on the tip of the bullet and three dots on the right side (representing the...
  12. E

    Wrath Pitch (an ACME finbomb)

    Weapon T3 (or possibly T4) Upgrade: This upgrade grants increased movement speed and enhanced gun damage. Upon activation, the weapon launches a slow-moving explosive projectile in the direction the player is aiming. The launch is accompanied by a brief animation, reminiscent of Liberty Prime’s...
  13. E

    Enigma (& Storm Spirit dbfusion for Lash)

    The Hero Design – Reworked and Enhanced Abilities Namesake Appearance:Our hero is draped in a style reminiscent of Miyazaki's Howl, with a touch of rogue flair. Equipped with Rubick’s staff, they fire their spells with the precision and confidence of a marksman. A blend of mystic elegance and...
  14. E

    Yet Another Hacker

    damn i hate these hackers
  15. E

    Character Concept: Kade "Echo" Draven

    Character Concept: Kade "Echo" Draven Role: Support / Tactical Specialist Affiliation: Rogue Unit (previously a part of the Initiative) Age: 32 Height: 6’1” Nationality: Unknown, though heavily rumored to have ties to multiple shadow organizations. Backstory: Kade "Echo" Draven was once...