Zeus is back, mortals!


New member

You can't run from Heaven!


Zeus has joined the Ritual in order to win back Hera's favour!

I think Zeus from Dota 2 would make an excellent candidate for a future Deadlock hero.
  • He already fits in the theme somewhat, being based on Earth mythology.
  • I want to use Zeus ult in Deadlock
  • It would be a fun reference for people who already play Dota.
Here are my ideas on how to adapt his abilities:
  1. Arc Lightning- Hurls a bolt of lightning that leaps through nearby enemy units that deal a base damage and a percentage of their current health.
    • Arc Lightning is a charge-based ability
    • While in mid-air, casting Arc Lightning acts as a double jump with reduced gravity
  2. Lightning Bolt- Calls down a bolt of lightning to strike an enemy unit, causing damage and a mini-stun
    • Lightning Bolt is targeted like Yamato's first ability, and causes him to float in mid-air during the cast animation
    • There is a crackling sound effect when the ability is first cast, and a 1 second delay before he can release the lightning bolt
    • Lightning Bolt is automatically casted after 2.5 seconds if it isn't cancelled
    • Deals less damage and doesn't stun if used indoors
  3. Heavenly Jump- Zeus performs a Heavenly Jump, leaping forward and shocking the closest visible nearby enemy (prioritizing heroes), reducing their movement and attack speed.
    • Doesn't deal any direct damage
    • Heavenly Jump temporarily increases Zeus's Spirit as long as he stays in the air
    • There is a visible nimbus around Zeus's feet to indicate that the buff is active
  4. Thundergod's Wrath- Strikes all enemy heroes with a bolt of lightning, dealing damage, no matter where they may be.
    • Reveals all enemy heroes on the minimap for several seconds