You can Parry While Slept by Haze?


New member
Not sure if this is hidden tech and I'm just bad. But I got owned by a Yamato after she parried my Charged Melee while she was still under the effect of my Sleep Dagger. I didn't even see the blue aura ring pop up or anything she just insta-parried mid sleep and she won the exchange. (yea, I'm salty)

Might be some Yamato exclusive tech that I don't know of yet (I haven't tried her out yet) or if any character can Parry while slept. But It might be worth looking into. I was under the impression that Sleep Dagger was a Hard CC ability that only fails to sleep Channeled Ultimates, but being able Parry during it seems like a bug but admittedly I have not tested or theory crafted with the Parry mechanic as much, so I may be completely off base about it's utility.


P.S This the clip of it. I did think a while to commit to a Melee, but you let me know, bug or bad?
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