You can no longer set the CANCEL ABILITY button to be multiple respective ability keys


Before this update, there was an option to set the CANCEL ABILITY keybind to the respective ability. I needed to have it like that, because I use SPACE to fly up with my Ice Path, and L-CTRL to fly down. Therefore I cannot use space to cancel the ability. I need the cancel to be possible to put as: clicking 2 again to cancel Ice Path, and I need to click 3 again to cancel Ice Beam. I can NOT have a universal cancel button, which is the only option now after the update, and I have no idea why this has been changed. Now, I need to set the "cancel ability" to one button, which would mean both 2 and 3 would use the same cancel button and cancel at the same time, though this absolutely doesn't work for me. I need the option to have 2 to be the button to cancel the 2 ability, and 3 to be the button to cancel the 3 ability. I don't know why you removed the option to set the cancel ability to the respective ability buttons.

For the record, if I set the cancel ability to something else, it doesn't work. Even if the screen says "press 5 to cancel ability", pressing 5 does nothing, even when it's not bound to anything else. Either way this is a minor issue because I can't play the game anyway if I can't cancel the abilities using the respective ability keys. Please put back the option to set the cancel ability key to be the respective ability keys again so that I can choose to press 2 again to cancel ice path and 3 again to cancel ice beam.

EDIT: The entire issue is that the "Change Cancel Ability Mode" button is totally gone. You could set this to "Ability Key" before this update, which is desperately needed. It needs to be reimplemented ASAP.

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Upvoting and commenting - I also noted that whilst this setting has been removed for the settings screen - SOME abilities have retained my older setting (pressing that abilities key to cancel that channelled ability), whereas some haven't.

Abilities that seemed to have retained the old setting are;
Ivy airdrop
Kelvin Dome

Abilities that have been set back to 1 specific keybind to cancel them (default key being space);
Kelvin Beam
Kelvin ice path
Krill Combo

I'm sure there are more but haven't checked all - point is its inconsistent and having that option back is a huge QOL - I hope this being gone is a bug :).
first game in a while, same issue. Actually mad... seems weird weird for a bug to completely remove a setting.
It might not technically be a bug, but it's absolutely an oversight. I really doubt they'd intentionally remove a setting like that. Either way, it needs to come back ASAP.
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Commenting to boost engagement, I have the same issue. While it's nice on most heroes, it is practically essential on kelvin. Learned the hard way mid-match.
Didn't play kelvin for a while, played one game of him and was desperately confused why I couldn't find the cancel keybind that allows me to press the button to cancel instead of the universal cancel key. It's not too obvious that its gone for almost any other character but it made the entire gameplay of kelvin feel really clunky and terrible. Please fix soon <3
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Glad to know I'm not crazy, I came back to the game after a couple of month break and couldn't figure out why I couldn't find this setting and assumed I was just an idiot
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Didn't play kelvin for a while, played one game of him and was desperately confused why I couldn't find the cancel keybind that allows me to press the button to cancel instead of the universal cancel key. It's not too obvious that its gone for almost any other character but it made the entire gameplay of kelvin feel really clunky and terrible. Please fix soon <3

Yeah it sucks, I've just stopped playing until this gets fixed
This is incredibly important to fix for the character, this post from October of last year even points it out, it was added, it was good, now on the major map update its gone. If I were a betting man, I'd say that this change to add the ability-specific cancels was made after the new map started development, so that version of the game just never got this weird tweak to keybinds added to it. Now we're missing an incredibly useful tool due to this oversight. PLEASE fix this!!