You can drag items outside of edit mode, ruining the build guide.


New member
If you load a public build in sandbox mode and drag an item, even OUTSIDE of edit mode, it keeps the change. Doesn't seem to be a way to get the original build guide back. Tried loading a different build and going back, restarting game, leaving sandbox mode, etc. Attached a video example, notice the build before and after (now stuck this way)

Pls fix ^^

can actually occur mid game its really bad, since if its a smaller box and you drag it out it cant be put back in unless you go into edit mode and add it back only in the sand box and cant add it back if its a public one
They should make a trashcan bubble so it would only remove an item if its dragged there otherwise the item will just move around in the guide sections and orders of items
Public build that I accidentally dragged an item out of the build while attempting to buy it mid game is still missing the items after patches. Still working off my copy of the build with the items added back. I'm wondering if the build maker updating the build will fix it.