You are permanently banned in this mode

New member
Good day. My Deadlock account is unable to start playing with other players. The problem is that I don’t even know why I received this block. I received an invitation to this game about 2 months ago, played a few games and deleted the game from my device. After 2 months, I installed the game on my computer again in the hope of playing, but in the end, I was permanently blocked. Please tell me what to do in this situation? I couldn't find steam support for this game.

My steam acc:
Ask person that invited you if they have been banned. Since 2 months ago if cheater gets banned all his invitees are also banned.
no, you will not get a invite. Move on.
you might be banned because of inactive, remember this is a testing alpha early access invite only game. If you leave and don't provide feedback for such a long time, you are considered gone for good.
get permanently banned because you haven't played for a while? Did you come up with this just now or do you have any evidence for the above?