You are permamently blocked in this mode.


New member
In general, I didn’t understand why I was permanently banned from the game, since I didn’t violate any community rules

Please provide an answer as to why I was blocked
If it was done only because of the number of reports, then this is not an objective reason, because in open sources there are now services that scroll reports

I suggest to check the average number of reports per game, as it is more objective.

From the last, I can also provide information that because of the won katka, my Steam account was attacked in the form of comments and reports from different Steam users with the game Deadlock.

That is, one of the players I defeated during the competition game took offense at me and asked his viewers to reoprt me.

To summarize, I want to ask that the moderators reconsidered the decision and issued an amnesty regarding this blocking, because all, to make the decision was objective you need to look at the reports for a certain time, because if you take a time period of one month and in the first half of the month was roughly 230 reports and in the second 100, but on a certain day there were 80 complaints, it is judged that there was a scoring of complaints.
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You give out blocking according to reports, while you had a famous cheat developer in Top1 EU on Venedicta, who plays on rage settings every game and you don't ban him, and you block honest players who never used third-party programs because of reports

This is nothing more than a circus and spitting attitude towards players and community.


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