Yamato flying strike(grapple) bug - stuck in building

Yamato casts Flying strike on Pocket while using the briefcase skill(might be necessary to reproduce the bug). Causes Yamato to get stuck inside the Steel building in yellow lane.
Match ID: 26192881
Time of replay: 26:26
Notable hero to watch: Yamato and Pocket

Also, unstuck and suicide command on the Esc menu is not working.
Had a yamato get stuck inside the laning bridge in my game as well.
I hooked her mid flying strike, and she got stuck inside the bridge
Match id: 28781754
time of replay: 11:30
Same happened to me. I was grappling on Dynamo, he did his teleport, and I was left stuck inside a column.

match id: 29181152, it happened around 35:00
Same happened to me. I chased Dynamo while he's using that warp skill then I got struck in the building. Also 'Unstruck Hero' and 'Suicide' command didn't work.

Match ID : 29288598
Time of replay : probably near the end of the match