Yamato abort bug


New member
unsure of the trigger, or if multiple, but I have noticed multiple times where the abort screen that appears as you zip will stay over your screen and you will lose your crosshair or view of your abilities, but they will trigger, and you can fire. Without dying, the only times i have voided this is by spamming abilities on creeps, however abilities in spawn did not solve it.
unsure of the trigger, or if multiple, but I have noticed multiple times where the abort screen that appears as you zip will stay over your screen and you will lose your crosshair or view of your abilities, but they will trigger, and you can fire. Without dying, the only times i have voided this is by spamming abilities on creeps, however abilities in spawn did not solve it.
I just experienced the same, but i had a phase before where i just had a sword in hand and could attack with it. Maybe the bug is caused by an unused mechanic regarding this.

Edit: Also i could end it by hitting a w on enemy hero