Wrong Region


New member
I'm based in Canada and I keep getting thrown into EU servers with unplayable ping

When I inevitably lose lane, I am often harassed by people with Slavic accents over voice chat and sometimes in a non-English language

My region in the menu says "NA" and I've also attempted to use the console command "citadel_region_override 0" to force NA servers

I believe my 5 games yesterday have been in EU. I asked around and most people said they were EU, with a couple also being in the same boat as me where they're in NA but randomly being thrown into EU

I gave it another chance today and the problem still persists. Match id 25198911 is a good example, though not a lot can be drawn from it since it's a problem with matchmaking, not demonstrable via a replay (looks fine since it's server-side, not showing my server-to-client issues)

Past 30 minutes I experienced some kind of intermittent shaking on my screen, which gave things a feeling of skipping around. All objects in the world moved around wrongly, but my player was consistent. This was very jarring and I don't think I could play another game with it

Region override NEEDS to work or the problem fixed
Update: I started a private bot match and it put me on the correct server, resulting in 15ms of latency. The online (matchmaking) public players vs bots resulted in me having the same extremely high latency

Not sure how useful this is, but it's interesting behaviour showing matchmaking is likely the problem
I tested all the servers available in custom match lobbies and found that i can only join #Citadel_ServerRegion_47 and #Citadel_ServerRegion_48.
Same, stuck on dfw2 and dfw servers at 150 ping, usually play on EU

You can check your network location by queuing for a bot match and opening console, it shows "[Citadel Play Controller] Network location:", dwf2 is NA and ams is EU
Just to clarify, I often have several people in the lobbies experiencing the same problem. They, too, wonder why the fuck they're on the wrong side of the world
Matchmaking to the correct servers honestly is all over the place it seems, especially for me and my friend who play together. Granted, I'm in England and he's in America, but setting my citadel server region doesn't do anything to fix our issues.

If we get into American servers it's great for the both of us, I get a ping of 90-100 and he gets 10-20. But I play support so I don't really need the low ping.

Meanwhile when we get into 'EU' servers we're actually on Russian servers most of the time and we both end up with awful ping (With me at 50-60 and him at 120+, poor team communication because we can't understand each other, and he plays characters like Paradox which requires precision with the Ult and such so it just ends up a miserable experience.