Wraith does no damage

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View attachment Untitled video - Made with Clipchamp (10).mp4 "Wraith is no skill" "Wraith needs a nerf" "Wraith is a hard carry" "Look at what hero youre playing" It has become VERY clear that wraith is just one of those heros people love to hate because of her cards. yet no one actually realizes how bad she actually is. Everyone just loves to complain about that 1 death at the end of the game where they got shadow weaved by wraith, but have no idea of the struggle it is to get there. This hero relys to much on having to farm to be apart of the game.
It's obvious that Haze bought reactive barrier specifically to counter you.
Okay sure, than its the item that needs to be nerfed cause 400 damage is absolutely fucking retarded. Everything fucking counters wraiths ult. you can run away from it you can use ANY fucking ability basically to avoid it, Than they have an item for 1250 that totally counters wraith ult... Yeah i dont think so. The devs really need to do something about wraith.
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