Wind Sheer: Upgrade to Enduring Speed that reduces wind resistance


Wind Sheer
Components: Enduring Speed
+15% Base Health
+1.8 m/s Move speed
+3 m/s Sprint speed
+90 Bonus Health
+1.8 Health Regen
Passive: Reduces the effects of enemy Movement Slow
+50% Movement Slow Resist
-50% Wind Resistance

General idea is on top of buffing the stats from Enduring speed. airborne heroes are given more manoeuvrability in the air. Reducing the horizontal deceleration they get while flying through the air.

For those unfamiliar, when you jump off a zip-line you are given zero wind resistance for a few seconds before drag starts to slow your horizontal movement again, this allows a lot of movement heroes to use the zip-line momentum to carry them further and perform a lot of cool aerial movement across the map.
This is that effect but on an item you can buy.
How would this interact with heroes like Vindicta? She's already moving around like a pigeon on crack with her current strafing speed, I don't need more of that.
How would this interact with heroes like Vindicta? She's already moving around like a pigeon on crack with her current strafing speed, I don't need more of that.
would give them a fighting chance against Lash, then again would enable Lash even more than her.
This game has exactly enough air drag to prevent you from gaining significant speed from bhopping. Globally reducing it would be broken.
Reducing wind friction would cause massive numbers of new and annoying movement techs, that benefit a small population of the player base immensely, whilst changing very little for the rest. There is a LOT of movement tech in deadlock, and some very high skill expression with it, but the kind of tech you are talking about would be meaning the difference between good at movement and bad isn't say, twice as fast, but five times as fast.
Reducing wind friction would cause massive numbers of new and annoying movement techs, that benefit a small population of the player base immensely, whilst changing very little for the rest. There is a LOT of movement tech in deadlock, and some very high skill expression with it, but the kind of tech you are talking about would be meaning the difference between good at movement and bad isn't say, twice as fast, but five times as fast.
... 🫵😂
Reducing wind friction would cause massive numbers of new and annoying movement techs, that benefit a small population of the player base immensely, whilst changing very little for the rest. There is a LOT of movement tech in deadlock, and some very high skill expression with it, but the kind of tech you are talking about would be meaning the difference between good at movement and bad isn't say, twice as fast, but five times as fast.
yeah but I'm a dirty Lash main and I want to go fast.