Willie the Imp [hero concept by Shoyu]

Hi guys! Here's my first hero concept for Willie, a 1920s cartoon character brought to life by a magical rift. I love mobile heroes with a variety of movement and combat options and thought I'd try and make use of the 3D space and buildings in Deadlock - something fairly unique for a MOBA - mechanically.
Cute character, and I like the presentation. There are some good ideas here with the abilities, too. The bomb is okay. I think we're seeing a lot of bomb effects.

The second ability is wacky, and I like it, but I'm falling to see the real utility in this spell, since it seems incredibly unwieldy to try to use effectively and otherwise useless. With the ultimate flattening enemies into 2D puddles on the ground, this leaves me wanting as a means of reducing your hit profile for yourself, instead. Appearing 2-dimensionally against a wall does this much less than if you could flatten against the ground.

So, I like that idea. But I think the most clearly functional ability is the third one, which I think works and reads really well on paper. Good job.