Why aren't these players taking damage?


New member

Just played my first game and it sucked ass since the enemy seemed to take zero damage the whole game. Literally filled them with bullets and their health bars didn't go down even a little. Meanwhile I get Roadhog pulled and instantly die. Can someone explain why the fuck these people don't take damage?
There's a whole item shop, you have to buy items at the shop by farming the enemy creeps. The tutorial explains this a bit, good luck and Haze on!

I do notice you have two health items, but the orange ones are the ones that help you do damage. (With your guns)
See the numbers below portraits? That's souls farmed, their whole team was outfarming you heavily and you had no items too so not only they had higher lvls and more skill points, they also had superior items while you had none.

This game is not overwatch, it's dota combined with TPS, you gotta farm souls by killing and denying creeps (by shooting balls that come out of creeps) while making sure enemy gets least souls possible by harassing them, even after 10mins you still have to farm souls in meanwhile or you will fall behind.
This game is more a MOBA than a shooter. You have 2.2k souls in this clip and you are shooting from a far range. the damage falloff is significantly affecting you but more than that the souls difference meant that even if these players stood still for a few seconds and just let you hit them you would still have a hard time killing them. for a lot of characters a souls lead of 20-30% is enough for them to easily solokill you even if you outskill them in the engagement. in this clip the minimum % an enemy is ahead of you is 200% on the viscous. These guys had so much more money than you that they probably could have ran in a straight line at you and killed you with melee only.