While in a Textbox, console keybind gets triggered anyways


New member
I have the Console Keybind bound to -.

Like so:

If I do attempt to click on "dash" on my keyboard while focused on a textbox, instead of the game inserting the "-" character in the textbox, it will open the console instead. AND type it IN the console instead. So it's like TWO issues, or maybe it's just strange. And this persists if I try to type "-" in the console.

I think this ancient bug exists even in CS2.

Re-production Steps
  1. Bind the Dev Console to -
  2. Locate a Textbox
  3. In my case I went to the Shop looking area. "Resources -> text box within there"
  4. Try to type text and click on -
  5. Observe

Expected Result
I expected a "-" within the textbox.

Actual Result
The console opened up instead and it typed the "-" in there instead. ALONG with the console CLOSING IF I try to type the toggle key into the console. Which is "-" in this case.

Here is a video

