Where to post balance ideas? NERF Seven and Haze to the ground, please!


New member
Seven sitting on a 59% win rate with 94% pickrate and Haze at 54% wins with 92% pickrate (via tracklock.gg)

I get that we're in an early beta, but these should be obvious points that scream hard nerf.

Seven's ult is obviously by far the best ult in the game and is severely overpowered both in range and in damage. Haze just needs fixation turned down a little bit.
Go to gameplay feedback -> hero gameplay -> whatever hero you want to give feedback on. This place is for all-new hero ideas from the community.

And from the record both those heroes are relatively easy to counter/deal with, their winrate is skewed due to newer players not knowing how to do just that and being punished for it. But again, this is not the place, go post there if you have feedback.
You can post threads. You just can't see what others have posted.
lol this seems like an excellent way for the devs to get 1000 "Nerf Seven!" posts instead of just 1 post with 1000 replies, but OK, I'll give it a try. Thanks for the heads up!
its for your personal feedback, they dont wanna hear another echo chanber bs, like this post, i guess, seven and haze are in the perfect place - a noob killer. Literally no one dies to sevens ult nowadays, its used more of a zoning tool, than a killing machine. If anything - buff seven! Also literally anything in isolation 1v1 can oneshot you or easlitly kill you.
lol this seems like an excellent way for the devs to get 1000 "Nerf Seven!" posts instead of just 1 post with 1000 replies, but OK, I'll give it a try. Thanks for the heads up!

Well even if it wasn't private there would still be 1000 nerf Seven posts because new people will keep coming into the game, not understanding how to deal with them, and then come here to complain that they're unfair.

But the main reason that the feedback forums are private is to avoid running into a group-think situation where prominent members can influence the opinions of others, where people who don't understand much about the game, see someone else say that a certain aspect is bad, and then parrot that because they assume that the person knows what they're talking about.

Though regarding that last point, this was a stronger idea before they lifted the restrictions on publicly posting videos, as now any old youtuber could post videos about how something is overpowered, and because they're "good" at the game, people could take it for a fact and spam the board with regurgitated opinions.
...they dont wanna hear another echo chanber bs ... seven and haze are in the perfect place - a noob killer
I mean, I guess I have to call scoreboard here. A character that wins 59% of their matches statistically isn't really in a perfect place.

You're, of course, welcome to talk down to newer players and attempt to ensure that no one new joins that game without frustration, if that's your thing.
I mean, I guess I have to call scoreboard here. A character that wins 59% of their matches statistically isn't really in a perfect place.

You're, of course, welcome to talk down to newer players and attempt to ensure that no one new joins that game without frustration, if that's your thing.
Its frustrating to be killed with anything. It's frustrating to be disarmed and stunlocked by Mo, its frustrating to be killed in a secord by Grey Talon, its frustrating to be melted in 0.1 second by wraith, its frustrating to be executed by shiv, its frustrating to be punched to the death by abrams, its frustrating be combo chained to the death by bebop, its frustrating to be poped by pocket or afk for a minute cus of his ult, be oneshoted by vindicta, bursted down by yamato. its always frustrating to be killed, main point what you gonna do about it? In my last games if you're a seven and you have like 2 kills in a game from his ult, consider yourself lucky, people figured out what to do, his ult is zoning ability. its the same as fighting with pocket ult on you, instead you cant just break LOS to save yourself. Stop analyzing data, you're prone to miss so many hidden variables by looking at what is not even in a beta state. tracklock and deadlocktracker were a mistake. If you have a concern, there's a private forum for this.
also knockdown = 3k souls = minus sevens ult.
Im not sure where you get these stats from but I'll say seven really isn't all that. I just run away when he ults or jump behind a wall and he's useless haha. For haze you you can buy metal skin i think it's called or I believe they have some disarm item. The one thing that seems the most toxic is Abrams melee build chunking you down.
I mean, I guess I have to call scoreboard here. A character that wins 59% of their matches statistically isn't really in a perfect place.

You're, of course, welcome to talk down to newer players and attempt to ensure that no one new joins that game without frustration, if that's your thing.

Wherever you're getting those stats from they don't really matter that much considering how much the game is in flux with regards to balance and how relatively new the playerbase is.

A pub stomber character like Seven will absolutely have a higher winrate when a large part of the playerbase are new to the game, the question is whether or not Seven is still that good once people figure out how to deal with them.
Seven's ult is literally noob trap, so easy to counter or just ignore, his real skills are 2nd and 3rd, that's where he can melt entire team easily and much harder to counter thanks to mobility he've got.

Haze just buy metal skin (and return fire) then outdps her or ethereal shift and wait it out. I literally did it last game today (vod available to view below), my Bebop had great dps but enemy was focusing me, unfortunately I couldn't get frenzy at that point in game to counter mo and krill which were much more fearsome enemy but yeah, Haze nullified lol.

So the answer is learn to buy items as necessary instead of blindly following horrible top upvoted builds.
Im not sure where you get these stats from but I'll say seven really isn't all that. I just run away when he ults or jump behind a wall and he's useless haha. For haze you you can buy metal skin i think it's called or I believe they have some disarm item. The one thing that seems the most toxic is Abrams melee build chunking you down.
They're getting the stats from tracklock.gg. Its measuring all games played with stats and updated regularly. Looking at it now, Seven is technically the highest winrate hero with a 58.89% in all games played on the public servers. I'd ignore pickrate because obviously for those of us in just normal games there is no pick/ban phase. Its more like hes a favorite starter, heck hes recommended as a starter.

That said, out of all the heroes you say these instead of Infernus? Color me shocked
They're getting the stats from tracklock.gg. Its measuring all games played with stats and updated regularly. Looking at it now, Seven is technically the highest winrate hero with a 58.89% in all games played on the public servers. I'd ignore pickrate because obviously for those of us in just normal games there is no pick/ban phase. Its more like hes a favorite starter, heck hes recommended as a starter.

That said, out of all the heroes you say these instead of Infernus? Color me shocked
Tracklock doesn't have access to that level of data any more I thought? A few days ago valve reduced the public access.
If you don't know how to counter two of the absolutely most easy to counter characters with one simple item for each then you shouldn't really have a voice on balance until you have a better read on the game and mechanics. (technically there's tons of items that can make them powerless on ult but I'm more looking at shutdown ones)

If anything, Seven and Haze are great skill check characters that urge new players to learn item use. Nerfing them will only make them useless as they would both be depowered AND have hard counter items against them.
> OP character has nearly 60% win rate
> It's just the players who are playing against them wrong, learn to counter them instead of tune their balance!

This level of cope is hilarious. If this were actually the case, no characters would ever be buffed or nerfed in any PvP game ever made, lol. You could write off any broken character needing nerfs or buffs with "They only have 40% win rate? People should just try harder!"
Where exactly are you getting these stats? Tracklock and other trackers are severely out of date.

Also, there is no reason to attack a person for their opinion. Post your feedback to the respective forums.
> OP character has nearly 60% win rate
> It's just the players who are playing against them wrong, learn to counter them instead of tune their balance!

This level of cope is hilarious. If this were actually the case, no characters would ever be buffed or nerfed in any PvP game ever made, lol. You could write off any broken character needing nerfs or buffs with "They only have 40% win rate? People should just try harder!"

Because accurately figuring out where a character lands in terms of balance takes time rather than making rash decisions based on data that could be out of date and influenced by many other factors.

It's 100% certain that Seven/Haze will have nerfs at some point, along with buffs too, as many characters will get over the course of the playtest, but it will have nothing to do with their winrate in this patch.

Did you know that in Super Smash Bros. Melee (a game which hasn't been updated since it's release), one of the worst characters in the game, Zelda, was actually considered to be one of the best characters in the game when it released?

If that released back in the days of patches you'd have people saying she needs to be nerfed, when clearly she didn't.
> OP character has nearly 60% win rate
> It's just the players who are playing against them wrong, learn to counter them instead of tune their balance!

This level of cope is hilarious. If this were actually the case, no characters would ever be buffed or nerfed in any PvP game ever made, lol. You could write off any broken character needing nerfs or buffs with "They only have 40% win rate? People should just try harder!"
Yeah I also have 100% win rate against noobs, that doesn't make me a pro player lol.

Another thing is that your gathering sites were killed on 2nd, that means they have 0 data on current balance patch, literally worthless but ofc constant Seven OP whiners are severally out of date too.

Seven's ult that was already nerfed to the ground, that's skill issue to die to it and I'm not surprised he keeps getting picked against noobs, it's ez gaming when nobody is using their stuns or active items properly.