when will there be perma bans for leavers?

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New member
title. I really think some people should get perma banned from certain queues if they leave too often. 28098165 god this match hurts my brain. this dumbass viscous leaves 30 minutes into the game when we are about to win, pretty much says fuck you guys, and we have to try to win down a teammate. we immediately lost. I know this game is in alpha, and sometimes people cant connect to games, but this is genuinely stupid. I cannot enjoy this game in the way it is now. I had 2 games in a row in ranked, the game before the one I linked is 28095797. I had a leaver in both of these games on my team when we had the upper hand. Why isnt there a perma ban feature in place? like maybe perma ban people from ranked if they leave 2 times? cause this is crazy. If you have 50 games played in deadlock, the requirement for ranked, you sure as shit have no problem connecting to a match and playing it out.
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