What is being done about the cheaters?


This is going in bugs because it bugs me that I am seeing more and more cheaters plague this game. It's no secret that cheats have been out for the game since the beginning of testing. What is Valve doing to rid them from existence? So far it seems like nothing. Is there even an anti-cheat for Deadlock? If you're using VAC you might as well just have a velvet rope with a sign taped to it that reads "Cheaters Welcome." And by this point everyone knows that reporting in game is just a placebo. I run into multiple blatant cheaters a day spamming aimlock and snapping from hero to hero in the most unnatural way, wiping a team within seconds by abusing high DPS hitscan weapons/heros. It seems this is even a problem with the melee heros, just locking onto people and spamming abilities. The way this game is formulated, it's a cheaters wet dream. Other people have made threads about this very same issue. Yet I've seen no word or concrete evidence that anything is actually being done. If it's handled like any of Valves other games, we can safely expect nothing to be done. We need a dedicated email to send Match IDs and player names to. This is ridiculous that there is no recourse currently.
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I dont want to be too protective because obv cheaters are a very serious problem, but the game is early development and there is the possibility that the huge playtest with a lot of players and their datas could help in creating a better anti cheat experience. Right now Many games still getting observated and many data is obtained. So hope for the best.
I dont want to be too protective because obv cheaters are a very serious problem, but the game is early development and there is the possibility that the huge playtest with a lot of players and their datas could help in creating a better anti cheat experience. Right now Many games still getting observated and many data is obtained. So hope for the best.
You are clearly far from developing and understanding programs. If cheats exist at the moment, then nothing can be done to prevent vulnerabilities in the game, the only thing left is to rebuild the game to a new engine or really use a good anti-cheat system. But usually cheaters are not even discussed, they are not even banned, a couple of days ago I created a topic with an explicit cheater, and yes, he is still in the game, he is still playing with cheats.
The cheaters are banned at industrial scales.
Don't be lazy, report them.
I took the time to report them both in the game and on the forum, and you know what, the player who played with cheats is still playing this game, he is still not banned and logged into the game today. That's what I'm talking about: while there aren't many players, we can catch all the dishonest players and ban them, on their hard drive or on the motherboard, to make access to the game difficult, but I think the ban is only on the steam account, it's not enough and it's not effective.
dude, that why it's still early development stop crying and complaining about it
A bunch of the "top rank" streamers are pretty obvious cheaters, wonder how high the chances are they already infested the "cheating moderation" with altruistic friends.
Game needs a strong anti cheat, the one from counterstrike is not enough that game is plagued with cheaters as well.
You are clearly far from developing and understanding programs. If cheats exist at the moment, then nothing can be done to prevent vulnerabilities in the game, the only thing left is to rebuild the game to a new engine or really use a good anti-cheat system. But usually cheaters are not even discussed, they are not even banned, a couple of days ago I created a topic with an explicit cheater, and yes, he is still in the game, he is still playing with cheats.
Wow what an asshole answer lol. You obviously dont know me or anything about my background or anything else. Its a fact on pc games there is no possibility to have no loopholes at all for cheater. There is no game which can deliver that kind of experience. Anti Cheat is not made to close all possible loopholes but to detect as fast as possible if something is using certain loopholes to get an unfair disadvantage.

You are talking about a game which is still in early development and cheaters are really only arriving since the playtest is so open now, bearly anyone can play it instantly ( still think this was a rushed choice ). If you ever playtested any game in this step of developemt : Most of them doesnt have any anti cheat.

And yeah data is constantly gathered with every played match and on discord they are searching for people who watch reported matches ( similar to overwatch).

At the end neither of us can say how good an anti cheat will work on the full released game. But being an narcisstic jerk, who just wants to make everything about himself will neither help the developers or yourself.
Wow what an asshole answer lol. You obviously dont know me or anything about my background or anything else. Its a fact on pc games there is no possibility to have no loopholes at all for cheater. There is no game which can deliver that kind of experience. Anti Cheat is not made to close all possible loopholes but to detect as fast as possible if something is using certain loopholes to get an unfair disadvantage.

You are talking about a game which is still in early development and cheaters are really only arriving since the playtest is so open now, bearly anyone can play it instantly ( still think this was a rushed choice ). If you ever playtested any game in this step of developemt : Most of them doesnt have any anti cheat.

And yeah data is constantly gathered with every played match and on discord they are searching for people who watch reported matches ( similar to overwatch).

At the end neither of us can say how good an anti cheat will work on the full released game. But being an narcisstic jerk, who just wants to make everything about himself will neither help the developers or yourself.
Yeah he/she has ZERO clue about the topic.

"Once there are cheaters you can't do anything to stop it, unless you switch engines and rewrite the game" LOL'd
A bunch of the "top rank" streamers are pretty obvious cheaters, wonder how high the chances are they already infested the "cheating moderation" with altruistic friends.
Game needs a strong anti cheat, the one from counterstrike is not enough that game is plagued with cheaters as well.
From what i see, there is no "rank" even the hidden MMR must be pretty shit if there is one.
they already infested the "cheating moderation" with altruistic friends.
This happens fucking constantly in f2p live service games that take volunteers by the way. Shatterline and Gundam Evolution had this issue. I'm not accusing anyone of anything. But it's a weakness.
Yeah he/she has ZERO clue about the topic.

"Once there are cheaters you can't do anything to stop it, unless you switch engines and rewrite the game" LOL'd

I like how you quote him, but leave part of the sentence out so you get to strawman regardless. He is completely right with his statement too: the moment players find out how to write cheats, by whatever means necessary - then the only true ways to PREVENT it is to rewrite whatever part of the software they are hooking into. That, or anti-cheat, which is the part of his statement you pruned.

Common cheats hook into memory to find the attributes of moving entities, which are then rendered to the screen by monkeypatched overlays. You can also, theoretically, use packet sniffing (I don't know if this exists much) to achieve a similar effect. This requires esoteric knowledge of either option, and differs from other software. I.e.: he is not wrong, regardless of how much of a clown you are going to be about it.

This is going in bugs because it bugs me that I am seeing more and more cheaters plague this game. It's no secret that cheats have been out for the game since the beginning of testing. What is Valve doing to rid them from existence? So far it seems like nothing. Is there even an anti-cheat for Deadlock? If you're using VAC you might as well just have a velvet rope with a sign taped to it that reads "Cheaters Welcome." And by this point everyone knows that reporting in game is just a placebo. I run into multiple blatant cheaters a day spamming aimlock and snapping from hero to hero in the most unnatural way, wiping a team within seconds by abusing high DPS hitscan weapons/heros. It seems this is even a problem with the melee heros, just locking onto people and spamming abilities. The way this game is formulated, it's a cheaters wet dream. Other people have made threads about this very same issue. Yet I've seen no word or concrete evidence that anything is actually being done. If it's handled like any of Valves other games, we can safely expect nothing to be done. We need a dedicated email to send Match IDs and player names to. This is ridiculous that there is no recourse currently.

It has been pretty bad recently. Last week friday 3 out of my 6 games had a cheater. I can report them on here or the Discord, but their account history shows they continue to play. I also get no feedback on reports in any form so I'm really unsure anything is even happening. I think Valve will officially step in with automated systems once the problem becomes too bad.

What we are seeing right now is that the problem is starting to ramp up. Hopefully they will do something before the game becomes unplayable.
There is no FPS game that solved problems with cheaters.
While players has access to their RAM/CPU/Motherboard => there always be cheaters, some of them is blatant, some of them using aim smooth factor.
Only reasonable way to deal with them is make harder to cheat. Obfuscation, kernel level checks, in-game honeypots, server side input analyze. This will raise the prices for cheats. Ofc there is always be 300$/month private slotted cheat with neural network humanized aimbot. But it's will be <0.1% of users in the game.
For now there is no anticheat, game is reverse engineered on some forums, also there is big cheat providers that already sells cheat for Deadlock.
I hope Deadlock will get at least EAC maximum level with server side things (like Fortnite), not useless passive VAC like in CS2, where you can write glow wallhack in 10 lines of python code and be safe...
wanna know what I think would be better than EAC and VAC and etc?

you do a bounty. every x amount of cheaters reported ( let say every 20-30 ), you get $0.20. ofc it has to go through the person reporting + 3 person reviewing to confirm ( do a majority vote if undecided ) and then a Valve official will ban and pay the $0.20

or do an overwatch like dota. let 10 people decide if its cheating or not.

with that incentive, it makes people wanna report the cheaters and the cheaters being witch hunt for money

after all, valorant have this: https://hackerone.com/riot?type=team
I'm hoping that cheaters in the early beta will be addressed. I've already applied to be a cheat moderator to help report them. This is a great game, to be honest. I've already spent 110 hours playing the beta, and I'm pretty sure this game brings back the same feeling I had when I got addicted to games like League, Dota 2, or Valorant. I really hope they do something about the cheaters.

As for the cheaters, I don’t get why you'd cheat in a beta. There are no achievements, no ranks—you're just proving how low of a person you are.
Honestly I'm hoping, desperately, that when Deadlock launches it is NOT free to play.

I'd MUCH rather buy this game, pay upfront, and have it be that much harder for the cheaters to account swap.

And from the way the bans cascade already in playtesting, I have high hopes that they have plans for dealing with the aimbotters and hackers.

low key, the cheaters are deffo getting out of hand. the saddest part is when they are so bad at the game that they still lose lmao
It makes me cackle every time. "Oh that Vindicta is aimbotting." "Why is she 0 and 6?" "Because aimbot doesn't replace skill." :devilish:
If VAC is still ineffective, please consider implementing a high-priority lobby system like CS Prime. Additionally, introduce a reputation status for reporting cheaters. If you have a high reputation for reporting cheaters, once you report a confirmed cheater, they should be instantly banned after a simple review, no further discussion needed, due to your strong reputation in reporting.

This approach would encourage players who genuinely enjoy and take the game seriously to participate in reporting cheaters. It would help to have community involvement if your current system isn't sufficient.

I'm also hoping that they introduce a death recap feature where we can see where the bullets or skills hit us, such as if it's 1mag of headshots only (aimbot) or a mix of head and body shots (normal spray). This would help in early detection of cheaters.

Riot Games does have Vanguard, which worked fine at first, but then cheaters still found a way to bypass it and use cheats in the game. So I'm sure the time will come when VAC will be bypassed by cheaters as well. Therefore, involvement of the community is a must. Players with a lot of experience can more easily determine when they're playing against cheaters (Of course, we track damage taken, know how average gamers play so why is this player only headshotting me the entire game? somethin' like that) than relying solely on software that may become outdated and bypassed. We don't want a post-game result regarding the cheater; we want instant action taken during the game. We don't want to waste time and get annoyed by it.
They are really out of control - aimhacks are less prevalent than wallhacks. At least 30% of my games have one person who is 15-2, cannot be ganked, always knows when to farm, and has unreasonable aim around corners. What is the plan to fix this shit?