Weird Freeze/de sync issue?


New member
Match ID #1: 12730996 (POV Wraith @ 7:40)
Match ID #2: 12745116 (POV Infernus @ 29:00)
Two games in a row I had these freezes occur where I am simply stuck doing nothing and unable to give any inputs. On my screen I am standing still, but I can still hear the game carrying on around me. The kill feed starts filling up and they never go away so the entire screen is one big kill feed top to bottom. The game is still going (I can hear all the normal noise of a match - the announcer, kill sounds, mid boss, teammate dying, etc.) but my screen just shows my frozen character in lane.
On the replay in match ID #1, 12730996, it shows my character jumping around, shooting, and casting abilities in spawn. That is me mashing my keyboard, but on my screen I was still standing in lane during this time.

The same thing happened in Match #2 but much later.

In match #1, I terminated Deadlock from task manager and rejoined. It worked fine after that. But there was about 3 minutes of doing nothing.
Also I tried to used the unstuck and suicide tools in the escape menu to avail.