weird bugs when rejoining the game (Things do not load properly)

Whenever you get disconnected and rejoin, sometimes when you load back in, a lot of the animations get buggy, for example sometimes when you shoot, it will show no bullets visually and soundly coming out but shows the ammo depleting, and dashing is also very weird at times where it will do a animation delay and feels very wonky. Overall, when loading back into a game sometimes it seems like does not load everything properly and ends up making game-play and animations buggy, and the only way to reset it is to die in game, however, sometimes this does not work at all and you end up stuck with the buggy gameplay that you are unable to get rid of until you completely abandoned the game. This is very annoying when it happens and makes it very frustrating to continue playing in the game when it does happen as I am unable to play the game properly if I get disconnected unless I abandoned the game.