Weird bug where you are unable to shoot in certain areas?

This used to happen me sometimes in the multiplayer but I thought it was just a mistake of mine.
Now that i'm recording this on the sandbox it happened again, but the thing is after I died I was able to shoot in the place I wasnt able to, so it's like under certain conditions a invisble wall or something prevents the player from shoot in certain areas. (And no, is not a fault on my mouse).

I must say that the only thing I did hear was buy the "restorative shot", receive some damage of the NPCs including the tower, after that a shot one of them to see how the item works, and then I realize that bug


I have the same issue sometimes, it happens in regular multiplayer too, but there I noticed I just need to re-click LBM to shoot again, still frustrating. Happened in sandbox to me too, couldn't shoot the dummy