Weight Painting Bug


New member
Pocket's hair has some weight painting issues! Seems the tips are just stuck and need to be painted lighter since they stick at the end when the character's head moves. My partner also pointed out Vindicta has the same problem, however I didn't see it when playing so I think it may be the weight painting or bones for the hair are broken from the perspective of other players, but not from the player who is playing that character's perspecitve. Also the objects on ziplines go through players, maybe a fix to this could be adjusting the speed of objects to match that of the player's, that way the acceleration for both are the same and objects don't get stuck to players or go through them.
All heroes have very basic automatic skinning, they'll be updated later with proper skinning after their models are finalized.
Half the cast has parts detaching while on the zipline, for example.