Warp Stone Rework and a its new cheaper alternative.


New member
I think it has already been established that Deadlock is MOBA first before Hero-shooter. And in MOBAs, like Dota 2, I love playing the support role. However, I feel like amount of support items in Deadlock is out ratio'd by other items. I don't even think support items don't even make up 25% of all items.
Anyways, my suggestion for today is to add a new "soft" support item to Deadlock and changes to the Warp Stone that enables it to be more viable for both super aggressive plays or strong escape.

First of all, I'll address my Warp Stone suggestion
- From T3 Weapon -> T4 Spirit
- Reworked from Instant cast -> Instant/Confirm/Quick Cast (Similar to Wraith's Teleport where you can see where you land)
- Teleport range from 11m -> 22m
- Can now be self-casted to teleport you for half the distance behind you
- Gets disabled when taking damage from Heroes (3s)
- Grants +20% Cooldown reduction upon casting
- Grants +30 Spirit Power upon casting
- Buff duration = 3s
- Cooldown from 15s -> 21s

Now, the new Item.
T3 Vitality: Accelerator
I already suggested this before actually, but I want to add it here as well because I believe this item will make the Warp Stone suggestion make much more sense. I want to see this as a budget version of the warp stone, a cheaper core item option for supports, or just simply a cheaper alternative to the Warp Stone.
+300 Bonus Health
+1m/s Move Speed
+1m/s Sprint Speed
- Can be casted on an ally, enemy, or self-casted to cause the target to move (not teleport) to the direction they're facing.
- Distance travelled -> 9m
- Does not get disabled when taking damage
- Cooldown 15s

Why these changes and why the new item?
These are pretty much just the [Old Arcane] Blink Dagger and Force Staff. But the reason I want similar items in Deadlock is for support purposes and counter-initiation opportunities. In Dota 2, there are really strong abilities that can turn the tides of the game. Ults like Enigma's Blackhole (Similar to Dynamo), Faceless Void's Chronosphere (Kelvin dome but stops time), and more. But in Dota 2, supports, or initiators, can counter-initiate and either save teammates or even counter attack. I feel like in Deadlock, when your team gets caught in a bad situation, it's pretty much done for. At the same time, Warp Stone being disabled from hero damage is a counter-initiation in itself. Imagine a Dynamo ready to warp in and ult, but you can prevent that by simply shooting at him. But at the same time, if left alone, he can pop out of nowhere and your team is dead.

Why put Warp Stone in T4 Spirit?
Imagine a Spirit based hero fully maxxed out on 8 Spirit Items (including flex slots) AND they still can but a T3 Weapon: Warp Stone. Making it a Spirit item makes the player make a choice on what [Spirit] items to prioritize on the remaining slots. I also think that being able to teleport 22m away every 21s is dang good. Its price of 6,200 souls should be balanced as it's both a power spike AND a risk. Power Spike because you can initiate fights better. Risk because you could've used the souls for Vitality items; WHICH IS WHY, Accelerator is a Vitality item. A weaker, but cheaper and safer option.

Why add Accelerator when there's already Warp Stone?
Good question. Accelerator offers something Warp Stone does not and that is the ability to use it on allies and enemies. Have you been ulted by a Haze with a Silencer and Slowing Bullets and you just painfully try to walk away? Well behold, your beloved due comes to the rescue and pulls you out! "But we already have Rescue Beam!!" Can Rescue Beam "pull" YOURSELF away? Also, if you have an IQ of over room temp you can make sick plays and put enemies in bad positions. Also, Accelerator grants base stats, Warp Stone does not.
This is a pretty cool idea, personally I like warp stone where it is but my biggest problem is the fact it destroys your momentum, It'd be a much more fun and unique item if it allowed you to carry momentum through its usage, and majestic leap already gets a cooldown on damage, I don't think we need another movement item that is no longer useful if you take damage, kind of makes it a bit redundant since majestic leap is just better in that regard.

I don't mind the idea of it being t4 spirit with those buffs though at all, well thought out stuff man!
This is a pretty cool idea, personally I like warp stone where it is but my biggest problem is the fact it destroys your momentum, It'd be a much more fun and unique item if it allowed you to carry momentum through its usage, and majestic leap already gets a cooldown on damage, I don't think we need another movement item that is no longer useful if you take damage, kind of makes it a bit redundant since majestic leap is just better in that regard.

I don't mind the idea of it being t4 spirit with those buffs though at all, well thought out stuff man!
Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you like the Warp Stone idea. I also like where Warp Stone currently is, but I do believe that we need more support items that can pull teammates or yourself out of bad situations. If an item like Accelerator does get implemented, it is going to be redundant for Warp Stone to stay at T3. It just gives players an option to pick what suits bests their playstyle and/or current situation. "I'm snowballing! I'm gonna save for T4 Warp Stone." "Oh no, we're so behind and I can't save for a Warp Stone. I'll just purchase Accelerator, at least it also makes me tankier."

Anyways, I trust Yoshi and IceFrog and the other Valve devs to do their magic if they do get inspiration from this suggestion. Can't wait what the fully released game will look like.
Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you like the Warp Stone idea. I also like where Warp Stone currently is, but I do believe that we need more support items that can pull teammates or yourself out of bad situations. If an item like Accelerator does get implemented, it is going to be redundant for Warp Stone to stay at T3. It just gives players an option to pick what suits bests their playstyle and/or current situation. "I'm snowballing! I'm gonna save for T4 Warp Stone." "Oh no, we're so behind and I can't save for a Warp Stone. I'll just purchase Accelerator, at least it also makes me tankier."

Anyways, I trust Yoshi and IceFrog and the other Valve devs to do their magic if they do get inspiration from this suggestion. Can't wait what the fully released game will look like.
Even if they don't go with anything here, I hope they use the name Accelerator at the very least, seems like something that already exists, it's got a nice ring to it.