Warlord (inspo troll warlord)


New member
  1. Change Weapon
  • Start with shotgun or pistol
  • can change into lmg or sniper
with incease of levels to this more firerate or damge depending on weapon

2. no stopping now​
  • passive that grants more suscessful hits on target grants user more movment speed
with levels it can have gun shield or spirit shield (depending on weapon)

3. Im better / we better​
  • active that gives an aoe buff of damge or an aoe debuff on victims (depending on weapon)
with levels makes this have more buff or debuff

4. Bright future​
  • passive that gives more souls pm but needs to be ramped up
  • for every last hit or kill the soul count goes up but after 1 min or so it goes back to base
  • for each upgrade could be longer duration or a damge up per stack
as a warlord, you want to bankroll your sucesses, what better way then to kill

This might be to close to troll, but having a variarty of weapons would be cool 😤