Warden/Vindicta Cheater


New member
This person is probably cheating. Not so obvious, need to watch the games to see.

Match ID: 30473209 Warden game
- 3:15 suspicious flick
- weird aim, don't know if its because of replay system, but it looks like they are pre aiming the souls before they come out of the minion

Match ID: 30479181 Vindicta game
- right at the beginning of the game, doesn't seem to miss any headshots - always knows where the enemy is through walls
- 5:55 is very suspicious, what is this vindicta aiming her ult at? Haze still up there but no reason for crosshair to be there, also seems to know that haze is about to jump off the building and almost even gets the kill, misses by a hair

As of right now not banned, still playing with absurd kd/a. Teammates in the game i played against this person also seemed to suspect cheating most likely aimbotting/wallhacking.

I watched roughly 5mins of that second match ID you posted (vindicta game). He/She is Cheating.

Clearly wallhacking/ESP with aimbot. Poor movement skills or gamesense, but tracks players through walls and has perfect aim to finish off a player (couple of headshots while flying, then assassinates).
Also hardly any missed shots, except on crates/statues.