Vision/Utility item; "Ahrimans Gaze"


New member
This game imo lacks the aspect of vision/vision control, due to the games faster nature I feel it shouldn't be as overbearing and as powerful as dota.
A vision item should come at a premium and not be as game warping nor last as long as dota 2 wards.

Solution, an item with a decently big cooldown and counterplay that serves a similar purpose as a Clockwerks flare yet also has a little extra for utility and more; Ahrimans Gaze

Ahrimans Gaze
3000 souls

Spirit item
+65 bonus health
+5 spirit power
+5% weapon damage
50 seconds cooldown:
Spawns an upwards pillar of light for 1 second, then that pillar spawns a small, flying and killable demon that scales with the users health, it automatically flies to a selected location on the map, ramping up speed as it travels and giving vision, exploding (80 spirit damage) and slowing (30% ms for 2 seconds) on arrival.

The revealed locations are visible only to the using team, but the demon is visible to the both teams on the minimap.
Both teams can kill the demon, but the users team will deal greatly reduced damage to it.
(More on why at the end)
The idea is to have a vision item with cost and counterplay, it shouldn't provide too many stats due to its utility and it should have counter play, in both the demon being killable and the pillar of light showing where the user was at the moment it was cast.
At the same time, it should have a little extra to reward proper usage and macro play with the slow and small damage, which can be used in several different ways.
Spirit and 3000 souls seems like the best choice to not become a must buy on everyone while also being universal enough to benefit everyone, while also being mostly spirit due to its extras and existing heroes that might wanna buy this.
In addition, working as a creep means some funny and possibly exciting interactions such as latching Bebops bomb on it or using it as a Yamato escape, hence the reduced damage on users team as otherwise a bebop bomb would instantly nuke it.
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There was another thread about wards and vision in this game and im basically going to say the same thing, I don't think its needed in deadlock. Not that this item idea is terrible its more just that enemies are always playing in vision and if not they are farming camps which you can hear if nearby, or they are rotating lanes and you can see which lane they are rotating to if you pay attention to the map, or they are doing mid beast which has an audio queue when its half health and when it dies. There's already a wealth of information in this game to tell you where the enemies are and speaking personally I don't think on any hero would I pay 3k for vision and delay a powerspike item. Also spirit item slots are some of the most contested item slots for many characters making it very unlikely anyone would opt to purchase this item.