Viscous Ultimate Idea


New member
I'd like to get a discussion started about Viscous ultimate so we can brainstorm some ways to make it a little more effective. Right now, its mostly an unreliable, semi-controllable ball with some strange speed/momentum issues. In addition, some of the bounces off walls and such just seem so unpredictable. I think I like the idea in theory behind its current state but I would be interested if the community could come up with some better solutions for how it should be (or maybe you think its perfect the way it is now).

I had a couple ideas for the ultimate change. These are just separate ideas, I'm not proposing his ultimate does ALL of these things.
1) Keep the ultimate similar to what it is now, however allow you to detonate the ball spreading goo all over a sizeable radius applying a slow. Fix some of the wonky bounce, speed, momentum mechanics inhibiting its current use.
2) While in goo ball form, allow the use of a grapple mechanic (similar to Wrecking ball in Overwatch). It could be a strand of ooze that projects from the ball toward the surface you are aiming at where you can speed your self up or launch yourself up. This would provide a good offensive and defensive use to close or gain distance from the enemy. Maybe even a combination of both 1+2 so you can swing in from above, explode goo to drop down on enemies.
3) To make a heal version of Viscous more viable, we can make the goo ball apply a protective goo coating to your allies either absorbing some damage, applying a heal, or both. This would be effective more towards mid/late game as your team groups up.

I think the only things the goo ball needs is better steering and let its acceleration be affected by movement speed items. It would solve so many issues if it was just easier to control, especially now that Viscious is no longer immune to to crowd control.

Another thing is also an option to flip the camera 180 degrees when you impact a wall, to make it easier to keep momentum (at least for those of us who enjoy controlling it with mouse movement).
I'd like to get a discussion started about Viscous ultimate so we can brainstorm some ways to make it a little more effective. Right now, its mostly an unreliable, semi-controllable ball with some strange speed/momentum issues. In addition, some of the bounces off walls and such just seem so unpredictable. I think I like the idea in theory behind its current state but I would be interested if the community could come up with some better solutions for how it should be (or maybe you think its perfect the way it is now).

I had a couple ideas for the ultimate change. These are just separate ideas, I'm not proposing his ultimate does ALL of these things.
1) Keep the ultimate similar to what it is now, however allow you to detonate the ball spreading goo all over a sizeable radius applying a slow. Fix some of the wonky bounce, speed, momentum mechanics inhibiting its current use.
2) While in goo ball form, allow the use of a grapple mechanic (similar to Wrecking ball in Overwatch). It could be a strand of ooze that projects from the ball toward the surface you are aiming at where you can speed your self up or launch yourself up. This would provide a good offensive and defensive use to close or gain distance from the enemy. Maybe even a combination of both 1+2 so you can swing in from above, explode goo to drop down on enemies.
3) To make a heal version of Viscous more viable, we can make the goo ball apply a protective goo coating to your allies either absorbing some damage, applying a heal, or both. This would be effective more towards mid/late game as your team groups up.

wouldnt need to reinvent the wheel if they just didnt mess up his bullet resist on rolling around. when his character description is literally "rolls around deflecting bullets." people got mad at the bullet resist and now it's not just a risky move, now it's a useless move.
they could differentiate the 2nd and 3rd upgrades, let him use items on upgrade 2 so he at least he can chain CC actives or use debuff remover earlier. being able to take advantage of abilities during ult is good enough for 3rd.
I'd like to get a discussion started about Viscous ultimate so we can brainstorm some ways to make it a little more effective. Right now, its mostly an unreliable, semi-controllable ball with some strange speed/momentum issues. In addition, some of the bounces off walls and such just seem so unpredictable. I think I like the idea in theory behind its current state but I would be interested if the community could come up with some better solutions for how it should be (or maybe you think its perfect the way it is now).

I had a couple ideas for the ultimate change. These are just separate ideas, I'm not proposing his ultimate does ALL of these things.
1) Keep the ultimate similar to what it is now, however allow you to detonate the ball spreading goo all over a sizeable radius applying a slow. Fix some of the wonky bounce, speed, momentum mechanics inhibiting its current use.
2) While in goo ball form, allow the use of a grapple mechanic (similar to Wrecking ball in Overwatch). It could be a strand of ooze that projects from the ball toward the surface you are aiming at where you can speed your self up or launch yourself up. This would provide a good offensive and defensive use to close or gain distance from the enemy. Maybe even a combination of both 1+2 so you can swing in from above, explode goo to drop down on enemies.
3) To make a heal version of Viscous more viable, we can make the goo ball apply a protective goo coating to your allies either absorbing some damage, applying a heal, or both. This would be effective more towards mid/late game as your team groups up.

I completely agree that ultimate is unreliable. But I don't think radical changes are needed.

I think it is necessary to significantly increase the turning speed and the touch area. Because sometimes you kind of touch the enemy, but the damage and stun doesn't work. You are forced to literally roll over the enemy's head to inflict damage and stun. This is wrong, because each hero has 3+ dashes and it is very easy to dodge the ball
I was thinking that if they gave an interaction with the ball similar to majestic leap it would both make sense and feel better to use.

With majestic leap, you jump into the air and can descend quickly by pressing the button again.

The goo ball at the moment already has double-jump built in, with no extra stamina usage. If you could double-jump and then press a button to descend quickly and slam into the ground, with a slightly larger AOE, It would make the hero feel nice. To balance it you could make the double jumps consume stamina so that you can't spam it for the entire duration of the ult...

To determine if a "slam" occurs you could base it on the velocity of the ball at point of impact, allowing you to use terrain and height to gain slams without double jumping and consuming stamina. Or if it's too powerful then tie it to double jumps only, which require you to consume stamina.

The fact that there is stamina in the game, a mechanic which amplifies your movement, and it has no impact on Viscous' ult is an oversight. Goo ball is entirely based on mobility and yet you cannot modify its mobility using stamina at all! Imagine being able to get a temporary burst of speed by using stamina.

On slam hit it could make enemies bounce in the air similar to a normal hit.

It would make the ult feel more satisfying and make it easier to land hits
I was thinking that if they gave an interaction with the ball similar to majestic leap it would both make sense and feel better to use.

With majestic leap, you jump into the air and can descend quickly by pressing the button again.

The goo ball at the moment already has double-jump built in, with no extra stamina usage. If you could double-jump and then press a button to descend quickly and slam into the ground, with a slightly larger AOE, It would make the hero feel nice. To balance it you could make the double jumps consume stamina so that you can't spam it for the entire duration of the ult...

To determine if a "slam" occurs you could base it on the velocity of the ball at point of impact, allowing you to use terrain and height to gain slams without double jumping and consuming stamina. Or if it's too powerful then tie it to double jumps only, which require you to consume stamina.

The fact that there is stamina in the game, a mechanic which amplifies your movement, and it has no impact on Viscous' ult is an oversight. Goo ball is entirely based on mobility and yet you cannot modify its mobility using stamina at all! Imagine being able to get a temporary burst of speed by using stamina.

On slam hit it could make enemies bounce in the air similar to a normal hit.

It would make the ult feel more satisfying and make it easier to land hits
And change the tooltip about deflecting bullets, because it does not appear to deflect bullets at all.