Viscous Puddle Punch has a small window where Viscous cannot self cube or jump

Stack Man

Active member
During a Puddle Punch, there's a small window where Viscous cannot cast The Cube on himself. He is able to properly before and after this window.
In this video, you can see the "self cube" prompt appear when I try to press the button, but nothing happens.

This window also stops jumps, double jumps, and wall jumps.

View attachment self cube forums.mp4
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It seems that abilities, jumps, dashes, are all interrupted by puddle punch being cast. Idk if this was added after this post but a "you are busy" prompt appears when puddle punch is in the middle of being cast now. It seems items and melee actions are not affected by this rule.

There's still a decent window where you can input interruptible actions but it has to be either before or after the puddle punch animation takes place.