Viscous - Movement Options


New member
Good afternoon everyone!

I’m not sure if I’m the only one that thinks this, but it feels like Viscous is kind of lacking in terms of movement options given that their 2 ability is a protection ability that moves a few feet at most once gelled. I feel like maybe adding their 1 to buff allies with movement speed if hit or stepping in the goo and getting a temporary speed buff would help. Maybe make it a more menial buff like 0.5m/s or 1 m/s so it doesn’t take off too much early game, or you can make it to only apply for out of combat sprint to amp dash-jumps to move between lanes better.

Another thing I usually encounter with Viscous is the fact that their ultimate is kinda hard to control without any corners or walls to hit if you’re not directly heading towards them already. (Ie middle of lane) Would making their 4 being able to use puddle punch prior to their final upgrade for 4 be a more viable option? This way you can correct course through a well placed punch if you are several feet away from the wall.
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With that said, I agree with your post, but it's important to understand that Valve has improved the steering of Goo Ball twice already (if I recall correctly) to address the difficult steering. And regarding the cube, I think teammates can punch the cube to move it around. You can use that to move the cubed player into a better position. (I'm not 100% sure teammates can punch the cube, but enemies can, so I assume it's true for the team as well).
use puddle punch on yourself, it functions like a pseudo rocket jump. you can even use this on walls to GTFO of bad situations easily/quickly
use puddle punch on yourself, it functions like a pseudo rocket jump. you can even use this on walls to GTFO of bad situations easily/quickly
Adding onto this puddle punching yourself immediately after a wall jump will send you flying. I've attached a demo below where I have 0 items but I know there are others out there that are much better than I am with Viscous's movement tech.

View attachment 2024-09-04_21-23-03.mp4