Viscous feedback


New member
Loving the character a lot but there are a couple of pain points I just wanted to talk about.

Overall I think his abilities are fine but suffer a lot from the slopes, curves, and corners that are on the floors and walls that cause unpredictable bounces on his Splatter, and cause his Puddle Punch to shoot out in the wrong direction and hit nothing. The character is hard to play, and these problems can be overcome by placing your abilities more carefully, but I think that it's not very intuitive and doesn't need to be as difficult as it is. Just to keep in mind, I think it's fine for Viscous to be a difficult character to play and these are just my opinions.

Puddle Punch has another problem and that is when I hit someone who is grounded with a fist horizontally they get bounced into the air, making it harder for me to combo them with another fist without predicting their landing. This isn't very egregious in lane, but it's a different story when I'm ulting and try to punch them into me. The enemy goes flying right over my ball (the opposite also happens, when I punch myself I just soar over their heads). I understand that their dash distance is shortened and they are hit with a slow, but I would rather have the ability's power be adjusted to make it easier to combo/be more intuitive, than to have CC from the beginning.

The Cube is good, punching it to try and save a teammate is hard but I already detailed in the first passage why I think that is.

His ult is weird, I'm still not proficient with it so I wont comment on it's strength and weaknesses too much but my impressions are that when I hit the enemy it's strong. Since this game already has a mechanic where you can slide down slopes I do think it would be fun for him to gain momentum when going downhill, and to keep some of that momentum when bouncing off of walls. The only real criticism I have is that Warp Stone and Phantom Strike both completely kill your momentum when using the active while rolling. Warp Stone can at least be used to collide with them as soon as you blink, but with the price of Phantom Strike being 6300, I think it would be fine to make it a little more reliable.

Great hero, and great game. Looking forward to the future.