Vindicta Zipline Flight & Flight Cancel GAMEBREAKING BUGS / EXPLOITS (STILL PRESENT 9/20)


Active member
To reproduce this bug, go onto a zipline as Vindicta, crouch to exit the zipline, and then activate Flight. This lets you move over 70 meters immediately and doesn't require the flight cancel bug.

View attachment vindictaziplinebug.mp4
Note that this bug is only made possible by the recently added feature that lets you crouch to exit a zipline. This is not possible to do if you simply jump off of it.

When paired with the previously mentioned flight cancel bug however, it brings you so far that it is impossible to measure within the sandbox. Here's just a taste (not executed even close to perfectly) of the distance and height that combining these two bugs gives. I would need a custom map to fully test the limits of how stupidly broken this is.
View attachment vindictaflightcancelplusziplinecancelbug.mp4

This takes 0 stamina, 0 items, 0 upgrades, just one cooldown from Flight to accomplish.

This distance and height can be increased easily past the already obscene amounts by:
1. Executing the Flight cancel better
2. Executing the Zipline Flight cancel better
3. Using Stamina to jump and conserve momentum
4. Buying any items that increase speed (which there are many)
5. Getting anything that increases spirit which increases flight time
6. Sliding once you impact the ground

One final clip for you all, of this truly intentional mechanic hand designed and balanced by the Valve developers.
Be careful though, blink and you might miss it.
View attachment intentionalmechanic.mp4
far more than 100 meters btw in around 3 seconds

View attachment normalflight.mp4
I lied here's the real final clip, a normal Flight for reference.

For all those trying to justify this as being an intended mechanic see this reply:

Bug is still present in latest patch as of 9/14, been slightly changed but is now buffed in many ways. See latest reply by me on thread for more information.
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This seems intended. Higher rooftops have a damage trigger anyway and there's an invisible hitbox. on top of the map.
This seems intended. Higher rooftops have a damage trigger anyway and there's an invisible hitbox. on top of the map.
Do you truly believe it is intended to touch the invisible skybox hitbox without any upgrades or items just using 1 ability and a zipline? Especially on a character that is given less stamina to start with initially? Thanks for your reply!
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I'm also noticing you're going on rampage, cause it looks like you found the google doc containing the movement tech for the game.
Ok ill ask you, do you truly believe it is the developer's intention for Vindicta to be able to do this with no items purchased and no upgrades purchased? Keep in mind, movement like charged melee and dash were removed from Flight. Also keep in mind that they have released patches slowing flight speed and Vindicta starts with 2 stamina.
Do you truly believe it is intended to touch the invisible skybox hitbox without any upgrades or items just using 1 ability and a zipline? Especially on a character that is given less stamina to start with initially? Thanks for your reply!
This looks actually intended, much like the Ivy-Seven lightshow. If you just lost all momentum then that would be a case for this being a bug.
This looks actually intended, much like the Ivy-Seven lightshow. If you just lost all momentum then that would be a case for this being a bug.
In all other cases of Vindicta's flight she does not retain momentum into her Flight. Cases where she used to retain momentum were ALL patched out once reported, feel free to check the patch notes yourself to see. Also the Ivy-Seven lightshow was not intended evident by them making Ivy silence held players and then taking a patch to attempt to make it an actual function of the character. This resulted in -50% damage for players being held by Ivy, greatly nerfing the Ivy-Seven lightshow.
@Yoshi MAJOR EXPLOIT, thank you. Apparently there's a doc floating around where people collect and don't report these, calling it tech?
There's a few things on there that definitely look a little odd right now (eg parry dashing) but could and should be polished and kept as features. Forced movement in dota, trimping in TF2, and all the cool movement tech in melee could have or have been considered "exploits" in the past, but have made their respective games more fun to play. Nobody is trying to keep the stuff from that document from being reported, it's linked all over in the main discord (it even has a pin in its own thread!) and people are encouraged to add to it. I and many others love the complexity and movement freedom stuff like this gives us :)
There's a few things on there that definitely look a little odd right now (eg parry dashing) but could and should be polished and kept as features. Forced movement in dota, trimping in TF2, and all the cool movement tech in melee could have or have been considered "exploits" in the past, but have made their respective games more fun to play. Nobody is trying to keep the stuff from that document from being reported, it's linked all over in the main discord (it even has a pin in its own thread!) and people are encouraged to add to it. I and many others love the complexity and movement freedom stuff like this gives us :)
They have rightfully previously removed similar (but not nearly as bad) bugs. These bugs are on a sniper character who was purposefully designed to have limited movement and to be easily punished. The bugs make it impossible to punish her and give her the most mobility out of any character in the entire game.

Melee is a game that gets it's complexity from the bugs because it was a game designed for children. Deadlock is a competitive game not designed for children.
Trimping exists in a game with fall damage and the character who can do it has to forgo other better items to do it.

Trimping requires precise input, learning map geometry, learning how to control the trimp, and learning how to mitigate the unavoidable fall damage you will take by doing it. All of this on top of the requirement to even start doing this being forgoing Demoman's competitively best item category, sticky bombs.

Melee requires learning precise input and other various skills for hundreds of hours to do it's bugs and unlock complexity in a normally simple game.

Vindicta's bugs are incredibly easy to input, require nothing other than a single cooldown, and have no downsides. You forgo nothing, there's nothing that could possibly go wrong, you exclusively gain with no risk or downside possible.

If this bug is to stay in the game, Vindicta would need to face MAJOR nerfs and a complete overhaul to her character design philosophy. In it's current state, this bug has no skill requirement and has no repercussions.

The people who created the document were aware of these bugs and chose to abuse them and leave them unreported. I had to report the bugs for them.

As a side note, 'parry dashing' is 100% not intended and will be removed in a future patch. Parry prevents you from executing any moves and holds you still for very important balance reasons.
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There's a few things on there that definitely look a little odd right now (eg parry dashing) but could and should be polished and kept as features. Forced movement in dota, trimping in TF2, and all the cool movement tech in melee could have or have been considered "exploits" in the past, but have made their respective games more fun to play. Nobody is trying to keep the stuff from that document from being reported, it's linked all over in the main discord (it even has a pin in its own thread!) and people are encouraged to add to it. I and many others love the complexity and movement freedom stuff like this gives us :)
If there was actual confidence in the balance of this "feature" then these would be documented with confidence instead of hoarded and pointed towards as intentional whenever someone actually does document it on the forums, considering Valve has major precedence for polishing movement bugs into actual balanced features (explosive jumping, bunnyhopping, many dota mechanics, etc).

Also, see the above post for many reasons why this is obviously not intentional or balanced. Parry dashing is also obviously not balanced, nor was documented on the forums.
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ugh, I'm unwatching this thread. Just let Valve decide what to do with this, I don't know what's the point of this discussion.
ugh, I'm unwatching this thread. Just let Valve decide what to do with this, I don't know what's the point of this discussion.
You were the first to reply trying to justify this bug as intended.
"This seems intended. Higher rooftops have a damage trigger anyway and there's an invisible hitbox. on top of the map."
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