Vindicta weird interaction.


New member
Hello! I am new here, so i've got no clue as to how to compose a bug report but here goes.
1. Was playing vs bots to get to learn how Grey Talon plays and get a better feel of his kit. Faced a Vindicta while <50% which promted the AI to engage with her ult. We ended up in a building with me 1 floor higher than her. She then used Flight, which resulted in her model glitching through the floor and gracefully putting one between my Grey Talon's eyes.
2. Grey Talon's Owl (ult) doesn't interact as intended(?) with Vindicta when she is in Flight mode. The owl just ignored her and crashed into the wall bh her. No damage was inflicted, but i guess that's bc she was too far.
I mean, they are either a bug or a feature, bc no matter how bad i am at this game i can tell sth wasn't right.
Hope i am onto sth and not just end up waffling bc i am bad at the game. xD