New member
1. When Vindicta is ADS'd with her ultimate ability then is hit with Wraith's telekinesis. Vindicta's camera remains zoomed in after exiting her ult.
I've also seen the same bug when hit with Warden's Binding Word.
I suspect this will happen with other displacement/CC abilities but I haven't tested it or seen it yet.
2. When near a one of the Walker towers, when the walker stomps, the game's frames drop and there is consistent stuttering throughout the rest of the match. I experienced this bug twice on two different, Seven and Bebop. I don't have any more information on how to reproduce this one.
GPU: Gigabyte RTX 3070 | Driver ver: 560.94
3. I don't have any steps for reproducing this one, but occasionally when you enter the buy menu at a shop you can't click on any of the menu options. You have to close, then reopen the shop to buy items. Not game breaking, just moderately annoying.
Potential balance problem.
When you stack nearly all the cdr/duration items on Mcginnis, you can lower her Heavy Barrage CD to 4 seconds. Its a heavy gold investment but you can practically chain ult. I'd suggest not starting the abilities cooldown timer until after she finishes channeling her ult so this doesn't get abused in the future. IK its a bit of a "win more" interaction, but if someone did this to me as a new player, I'd uninstall the game.
I've also seen the same bug when hit with Warden's Binding Word.
I suspect this will happen with other displacement/CC abilities but I haven't tested it or seen it yet.
2. When near a one of the Walker towers, when the walker stomps, the game's frames drop and there is consistent stuttering throughout the rest of the match. I experienced this bug twice on two different, Seven and Bebop. I don't have any more information on how to reproduce this one.
GPU: Gigabyte RTX 3070 | Driver ver: 560.94
3. I don't have any steps for reproducing this one, but occasionally when you enter the buy menu at a shop you can't click on any of the menu options. You have to close, then reopen the shop to buy items. Not game breaking, just moderately annoying.
Potential balance problem.
When you stack nearly all the cdr/duration items on Mcginnis, you can lower her Heavy Barrage CD to 4 seconds. Its a heavy gold investment but you can practically chain ult. I'd suggest not starting the abilities cooldown timer until after she finishes channeling her ult so this doesn't get abused in the future. IK its a bit of a "win more" interaction, but if someone did this to me as a new player, I'd uninstall the game.