Vindicta Hacker - "Legitbot test#03" - Match ID 26212611


New member
Movement hacks teleporting across the map, plus aimbot, but didn't seem to have infinite health or impossible damage output, at least not beyond what happens when a vindicta has aimbot. Unsure if anything else, but we were able to organize to ensure they didn't win. Love this community.
From watching the replay, the "teleporting" portion of the hack appears to be that they can grant themselves a very large amount of horizontal momentum instantaneously, probably on a button press. Something along the lines of a 5x or 10x dash, but without consuming any stamina, and with no cooldown.

The aimbot is an aimbot, seems to just center screen on nearest hero if there is a hero nearby, or nearest creep if not.

And they also seem to have a quickscope macro but that could just be a standard mouse macro