Vindicta Flight Cancel Keeps Momentum


Active member
When cancelling Vindicta's Flight during it's early speed increase it allows her to keep her momentum and go incredibly far and incredibly fast.
Why get rid of this? It's not exactly broken and vindicta starts out with negative bullet resist and two stamina.
All removing this would do is remove a fun playstyle and mechanic for.... what exactly? She isn't being played "correctly"? Has this become a problem in games? It's basically used as a majestic leap, you lose all of the benefits of flight and drop down in front of your enemy at a disadvantage (opposed to far away with her high precision weapon, and spirit damage + ammo) or use it to escape, neither of which felt very strong to me.
Here's a clip by the way, it doesn't seem unintentional or game breaking to me... Just seems like a normal ability cancel with normal risks and rewards...
View attachment 2024-08-01 22-56-54.mp4
Why get rid of this? It's not exactly broken and vindicta starts out with negative bullet resist and two stamina.
All removing this would do is remove a fun playstyle and mechanic for.... what exactly? She isn't being played "correctly"? Has this become a problem in games? It's basically used as a majestic leap, you lose all of the benefits of flight and drop down in front of your enemy at a disadvantage (opposed to far away with her high precision weapon, and spirit damage + ammo) or use it to escape, neither of which felt very strong to me.
Here's a clip by the way, it doesn't seem unintentional or game breaking to me... Just seems like a normal ability cancel with normal risks and rewards...
View attachment 8676

Refer to:
Hi! This is a bug!

Thank you!

Also, in your attached clip you are not demonstrating this bug optimally. When used correctly it brings you further faster.
Refer to what? How is that relevant to her flight at all? If you didn't want people replying to your feedback you should've done it privately. You can't just suggest majorly changing an ability and expect nobody to say anything...
"Hi! This is a bug! Thank You!" Is just passive agressive nonsense. HOW is it a bug? Are you going to elaborate? And why post it publicly if you don't want anyone to reply? The entire point of having this part of the forums open is so that people can discuss with one another.

Also if my clip isn't demonstrating the bug properly you're more than welcome to attach your own, which would probably be helpful in a bug report js
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The point of reporting a bug is to inform the devs so they can decide what to do with it. Valve is known for balancing around movement-based mechanics that they're aware of. What does keeping them unaware actually do for you?
The point of reporting a bug is to inform the devs so they can decide what to do with it. Valve is known for balancing around movement-based mechanics that they're aware of. What does keeping them unaware actually do for you?
I'm aware of all of this and never said keeping people unaware is a good thing
I said why be passive agressive and not elaborate when someone replies to your public forum post giving their own feedback (which valve wants) lol
Why be hostile? Why can't people say they like a certain thing in the game? We're all testers here and there's no reason to twist words and get angry over ideas and words...
I'm aware of all of this and never said keeping people unaware is a good thing
I said why be passive agressive and not elaborate when someone replies to your public forum post giving their own feedback (which valve wants) lol
You're arguing a strawman. OP never said to remove the bug. The bug exists and is being reported because it is a bug.
Why get rid of this? It's not exactly broken and vindicta starts out with negative bullet resist and two stamina.
All removing this would do is remove a fun playstyle and mechanic for.... what exactly? She isn't being played "correctly"? Has this become a problem in games? It's basically used as a majestic leap, you lose all of the benefits of flight and drop down in front of your enemy at a disadvantage (opposed to far away with her high precision weapon, and spirit damage + ammo) or use it to escape, neither of which felt very strong to me.
Here's a clip by the way, it doesn't seem unintentional or game breaking to me... Just seems like a normal ability cancel with normal risks and rewards...
View attachment 8676
I agree with this, why is this even reported on the bug forums?
If this is unintended behavior then I have correctly reported it.
If this is intended behavior despite other similar bugs being reported and recognized then you have nothing to worry about.

Vindicta by default moves slowly during Flight due to the dev's intended design. This bug goes against that design. There have been patches in the past to make her slower during Flight because that is the dev's vision for this character's ability. Other similiar momentum based bugs have been removed or changed in the past.

I would also like to restate that in the clip attached by Husky they did not perform the bug correctly. Upon flying as Vindicta you are given a brief speed boost once you fully ascend. If you cancel the ability during this speed boost you are sent flying far forward at fast speeds.
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Hi! This is a bug!

Thank you!
i disagree - there are plenty of other abilities on other heroes that give a burst of momentum (ivy flight, infernus 2), and getting stunned out of it during that always leads to endlag/being launched due to the initial momentum carrying a bit. the specific interaction of (velocity burst) + (cancel/stun out of it to launch) isn't unique to vindicta flight, aiui

it's also usable for launching yourself backwards for a retreat, and you're having to forfeit the whole flight duration (and its spirit bonus) in exchange, which seems like a reasonable consequence of that general mechanic here?
If this is unintended behavior then I have correctly reported it.
If this is intended behavior despite other similar bugs being reported and recognized then you have nothing to worry about.

Vindicta by default moves slowly during Flight due to the dev's intended design. This bug goes against that design. There have been patches in the past to make her slower during Flight because that is the dev's vision for this character's ability. Other similiar momentum based bugs have been removed or changed in the past.

I would also like to restate that in the clip attached by Husky they did not perform the bug correctly. Upon flying as Vindicta you are given a brief speed boost once you fully ascend. If you cancel the ability during this speed boost you are sent flying far forward at fast speeds.
Just comes across like you got cooked in a match. Not sure why you're attacking Husky like that.
Got a chance to record a clip of this bug. The speed given is fast enough to outrun even Slowing Hex. Unsure why I cannot edit original post to include it so im leaving it as a reply. Very easy to reproduce. Clip included has no upgrades or items purchased which further increase speed potential.
"Upon flying as Vindicta you are given a brief speed boost once you fully ascend. If you cancel the ability during this speed boost you are sent flying far forward at fast speeds."
View attachment vindictaflightcancelbug.mp4
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