Vindicta Flight bug after update


New member
The new update:
- Vindicta: You can now use stamina while flying to get an impulse in the facing direction
- Vindicta: Space bar no longer exists the ability, you have to press the key again
Appears to be having issues on my client.
Space bar still cancels the flight, and shift no longer is usable for upward flight, as it only dashes now.

The overlay shows
"Press Space for Fly Up"
"Press Left CTRL for Fly Down"
"Press Space for Cancel"

However, holding space does not fly up, it cancels the ability, and I can therefore not fly up unless I change my cancel ability bind to something else.

This update made me excited to finally use Space again for cancelling, but I will have to continue using 'G' until this is patched (again).

Hope it works soon, because the update is amazing so far!!😄
Looks like there's a workaround that's detailed in this thread. They made it so cancel ability has its own keybinding in the settings, so you can change the keybinding for canceling Vindicta's ability
Looks like there's a workaround that's detailed in this thread. They made it so cancel ability has its own keybinding in the settings, so you can change the keybinding for canceling Vindicta's ability
Thanks for showing the workaround, but definitely better for Valve to fix it - as new players or in general players who do not know of the workaround will have a harder time. But thanks for showing the Viscous bug also!