Vindicta charged shot

it is already there. you just do extra dmg when target is below 50%.
yeah that's what i mean, people just quick scope with that extra damage, i think you should wait a little scoped in for that damage to build up. there's not really any sniping going on, zooming in actually makes it harder to hit
yeah that's what i mean, people just quick scope with that extra damage, i think you should wait a little scoped in for that damage to build up. there's not really any sniping going on, zooming in actually makes it harder to hit
There's a certain dilemma here. If you have a charge that builds up damage on the ability, you'd dominate early game, which is when characters stay away from each other the most. If you make it an upgrade for late game, it would make it much less useful as late game fights are mostly in close quarters. I feel that the ability's use as a quick finisher is more valuable.
There's a certain dilemma here. If you have a charge that builds up damage on the ability, you'd dominate early game, which is when characters stay away from each other the most. If you make it an upgrade for late game, it would make it much less useful as late game fights are mostly in close quarters. I feel that the ability's use as a quick finisher is more valuable.
There's a conflict of how the ability is intended to be used and how it actually is used. It has a laser pointer and lens glare so you can see it's being used, but there is not point if actually scoping in, you get full damage right away. it's like if tf2 sniper could oneshot heavies from quickscopes or dota sniper cast his ult instantly. Even ow widow needs a charge up time. You know what i mean?
It literally has a charge-up, you deal nearly half of the damage if you don't let it charge at all. (with no items)
Yes, the less than 50% bonus still applies if you don't let it charge but you're still getting way less damage?

You don't get the full damage if you quick scope even if they're less than 50% hp.
It literally has a charge-up, you deal nearly half of the damage if you don't let it charge at all. (with no items)
Yes, the less than 50% bonus still applies if you don't let it charge but you're still getting way less damage?

You don't get the full damage if you quick scope even if they're less than 50% hp.
yeah like half a second. guess it's just a skill issue on my part. i just feel like bonus damage instant burst that also gives bonus souls is a little bit overtuned
It's incredibly strong, especially with how early they're able to grab that T2 upgrade; it's an overwhelming amount of burst damage in that early-to-mid game time-frame. My last couple games have had an enemy Vindicta go like 12-2 by 17 minutes, yet they sometimes fall off in effectiveness by 30 minutes (e.g. 1124830).

Do you still get the full bonus damage when not letting it charge? Because I don't think you should.